[NL25] 4bet pot, afraid in the dark

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[NL25] 4bet pot, afraid in the dark

Villain is a 25/17 regular over 9k hands, 3bets 7% against UTG for what is worth.
I've seen him flatting 4bets with AA, QQ, TT. I think he can flat with AK too. Maybe flatting AQ would be too lose against UTG?

I can't even tell if I played it right or wrong after the flop :D Should I bet 33% pot any flop?
Can he really turn QQ or TT in a bluff like that? He saw me check/calling with strong hands sometimes, so AA and AK should be in my perceived range, I think.


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Wallmonger 6 years, 5 months ago

I don't think NL25 reg pool is bluff enough that deep on this texture. Also he's not flatting pre with 22 or random suited connectors.... I think you played the hand fine

James Hudson 6 years, 5 months ago

You can probably range bet this flop for a small sizing. It's not that checking with KK is bad here but be aware that even to unsophisticated players your hand is fairly face up. That's not necessarily an issue but make sure that you include AA as well as some of your weak Ax in your checking range if you're going to have a checking range here.

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