nl200z interesting spot vs regular

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nl200z interesting spot vs regular

Blinds: $1.00/$2.00 (6 Players) BN: $211.00
SB: $485.60
BB: $219.41
UTG: $201.69
MP: $231.65
CO: $209.91 (Hero)
Preflop ($3.00) Hero is CO with 8 8
2 folds, Hero raises to $5.04, 2 folds, BB raises to $21.00, Hero calls $15.96
Flop ($43.00) 7 6 6
BB checks, Hero checks
Turn ($43.00) 7 6 6 4
BB bets $22.90, Hero calls $22.90
River ($88.80) 7 6 6 4 J
BB bets $63.90, Hero

Don't have information on villain but he is regular for sure and likely to be decent player.
Flop is interesting check by BB, I expect to face small bet here very often but nothing wrong with check. Turn play itself.
River seems like a 0 EV spot, I don't expect people just to bet twice AK here. So he maybe bluffing all T9,98,A5,A3 and broadways.

p.s. looks so face up here, I'm looking so pp heavy here. J is never hit me, I wouldn't call AJ vs turn


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BigFiszh 6 years, 5 months ago

What's the interesting point? Do we consider anything else but calling?

Jeff_ 6 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, guess flop should be bet quite often for villain with Broadways /overcards. When he checks his range somewhat stronger if he'd bet flop and river that's a snap call.
As well as river size ( probably JT does't bet so big otr?), so what bluffs he got?

wesdaco 6 years, 5 months ago

I don't think we can raise here as villain is getting too good of a price to call almost any of his overpairs. If we knew a bit more about the villain (his overfolding tendencies), perhaps we could structure a different argument. If he bets with all Jx hand but folds them to a raise, it may be closer.

I like a fold preflop vs this 3bet sizing.

SeniorPomidor 6 years, 1 month ago

I would bet flop, jeff sad that if he checks that he's range probably strong, i disagree. Yes, he can have some strong hands into his checking range, but what can you say about his range if he bets 2/3 on the flop? Obviously if he checks with strong hand he want to induce bluff or bet with weaker hands, my personal view of this situation is that or he try to play something like gto or he has information that you will bluff a lot. So i think he will not heve a lot of strong range here.

tate574 6 years, 1 month ago

I think his range is stronger too when he checks. his op needs less protection but still should be betting qq jj tt 99. aa can check this flop a lot and kk. doesn't make sense to start betting his over card hands on this turn given its better for ip range than op. so unless he is a complete idiot river should be a fold. I'm trying to think of bluffs..55 maybe? but not gonna be in his 3b range. t9s that didn't bet flop doesn't make sense. I think with all this gives us more reason to fold. all his over cards/air will be betting flop. did you consider betting flop? I think a protection bet would give you more clarity especially if he c/r flop you can call fold turn but not this turn. then fold riv for sure. that seems exploitable tho so I like your line

LetEmKnow 6 years, 1 month ago

I think 88 plays fine as a bet otf for 1/3 to half pot, need protection and villain is forced to play a balanced check/decide strategy, which is hard to do, especially on a board like this where players tend to bet natural semi bluffs otf and finding creative bluffs gets harder on later steets and your range wont be that easy to exploit as you have just as much 6x as they do and you have 77 which they likely do not really ever have.

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