NL20[sh] - AJs, vs tripbarr.

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NL20[sh] - AJs, vs tripbarr.

Villain posting/limping is a whale, that is why I decide to flat pre and keep him in.

Villain isolating is laggy reg 29/24 w cbet 55/59/57, wtsd 24%.

Did I play this okay?


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y0high 9 years, 5 months ago

Cant understand what happened in this hand.
Basic concept should be:
1) The more laggy our Villain , the easier we stack off
2) The tighter/nittier our Villain, the harder we stack off

I cant understand why you folded. If your plan is to fold with future two pair, then just raise OTF und get it in. With your hand you are basically never bad at least.

From Villains perspective:
1) Hero flats his Iso raise
2) Hero calls flop and doesnt shove turn -> Hero doesnt like the A on the Turn? Hero is weak? Hero got a weak flushdraw? Hero showed weakness by not jamming? ....
3) Hero got maybe Ax, a busted flushdraw, I can shove any 2p+ for value or bluff him out of the spot.

I would based on history raise OTF or at least OTT. He can have every lower Ax combo two pair, with which he isoraise whale for value + you got the Outs to the nuts and he can even call with a worser combodraw

And last question:
What range are you calling in this spot?
With what a range are you calling in this spot vs a tight regular?

I mean the biggest problem in your hand was, you didnt have a plan, what will I do on the next street and what is if Villain continues with his aggression. The best play would have been to raise the flop and try to get it in. Even when you call him down and hit your flush, dont expect any thinking player to put much money in it anymore.

Disharmonist 9 years, 5 months ago

Question is, if ppl shove here with 2 pair or choose a smaller size. And there shouldnt be too many 2 pair besides the same hand, JT or AT, imo.

sauloCosta10 9 years, 5 months ago

I would raise the turn vs this player. As played, I don't think villain has any bluffs OTR except a random combo that he decided to barrel off and very few missed flush combos, since you block most of them. He needs to be bluffing more than 33% of the time for you to profit. I don't think its the case here. Tough but I think would fold.

Will Winaton 9 years, 5 months ago

I think it is fairly standard until the river. OTR I really don't think he will have bluffs(unless he's a crazier one), as players tend to be very valueheavy with these sizes. So the question is if we have enough EQ against his value range, which I don't think we do.

Even against a wide valuerange like this:

AA, JJ-TT, 77, AJs-ATs, KQs, JTs, 98s, AJo-ATo, KQo, JTo

we only have 31.8% EQ, and I doubt he will have all AT combos or he might not even iso with JTo.

With these said, if we think he's capable of bluffing enough K9s, Q9s, Q8s, 8c6c kinda hands like this, we will certainly need to call top2 because our range is quite weak, unless you slowplay KQ, 98s, TT, 77 a fair amount.

y0high 9 years, 5 months ago

I am HU player and try also to improve 6m. I wrote above just my thinking about the hand.
Others posters most preferred heros line with check-call / check-call / check-fold.
My main problem with this line is how do we get exactly value when we hit our flush on the river? Only by flush over flush and spew?
If V bets 1/2 pot is it an easy call for you?
6m is relatively new to me and compared too HU a lot less aggressive.

Will Winaton 9 years, 5 months ago

If we view this spot from a theoretical standpoint, I think (depending on how light villain goes for value)we will have a raise OTF with AJ sometimes, but we need to call AcJc most of the times, and raise with some others. The EV of our hand doesn't only come from getting the stacks in before river especially if he doesn't stackoff light. Flush only comes like 20% of the times though, and we should raise a lot of our FD without sdv before the river.
On flush rivers we can get value from straight+ I think, but mostly we will stackoff worse flushes. In a situation where villain has all nutstraight combos, some other straight, and set combos, top 2pair isn't a nutty hand though.
If we face a 1/2pot bet on the river we need to call.

iMRUSh 9 years, 5 months ago

I also think Your play is fine, and +1 to what Will said, U need to call sometimes if he plays enough K9s, K8s, Q9s, Q8s or something like this way.

Disharmonist 9 years, 5 months ago

Otr, he shouldnt be shoving with less than a set, imo. You block most of his flushdraws which would be his primary bluff candidates. So the way you played the hand, x/folding river makes sense a lot actually. I think you can still x/raise flop or turn and never feel too bad about it when you get called.

Limp Limpson 9 years, 5 months ago
he should be jamming ATC otr imo

wp imo, I'd exploitatively fold otr. Vs a reg who realizes that we never have sets+ you simply need to call (or somehow keep KQ in your range, which I wouldnt do...because again villain reps strenght and people at nl20 are passive), but w/e, this si nl20

I dont understand why do you guys suggest xr ott? Makes no sense to me tbh. If anything, I can understand xr otf (its xc in theory, but I kind of started to just shovel money into the pot with equity vs most villain's at the micros+disregarding arguments like sdv/keeping some flushes in our xc range and I think it works well)

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