NL200z tricky spot river with full
Posted by ilares
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Mid Stakes
NL200z tricky spot river with full
Blinds: $1.00/$2.00 (6 Players)
BN: $276.40
SB: $195.00
BB: $267.29
UTG: $510.58
MP: $349.24
CO: $378.26 (Hero)
SB: $195.00
BB: $267.29
UTG: $510.58
MP: $349.24
CO: $378.26 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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vilain is a reg 23/18, opr 17% early position
he cbet flop 54% on 700h so far
he cbet flop 54% on 700h so far
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so i need 19% to call here, if he has 4 nutflushes i win here
Tableau : Td9h3d8h9d
Equity Victoire Égalité
MP2 21.43% 21.43% 0.00% { 33 }
MP3 78.57% 78.57% 0.00% { TT-88, T9s, 98s, Ad5d, Ad4d, Ad3d, Ad2d }
TT/99 does'nt make a lot of sense, since he would have cbet or x/r, same for some nutflushes
so maybe T9s who doesn't cbet, or 89s
what do you think of his range here?
we call 89s and we fold nutflush here i guess, so 33 is between: what do we do?
Tableau : Td9h3d8h9d
Equity Victoire Égalité
MP2 21.43% 21.43% 0.00% { 33 }
MP3 78.57% 78.57% 0.00% { TT-88, T9s, 98s, Ad5d, Ad4d, Ad3d, Ad2d }
TT/99 does'nt make a lot of sense, since he would have cbet or x/r, same for some nutflushes
so maybe T9s who doesn't cbet, or 89s
what do you think of his range here?
we call 89s and we fold nutflush here i guess, so 33 is between: what do we do?
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well you are repping a boat otr and bet close to pot and he still jams....
why would he ever jam a flush on the river
i know, but one of my eye sadly looked at pot odds ^^
I don't think a lot of regz in NL200 are x/ring worse for value (or as a bluff) OTR, when it is only a min-raise more.
Especially when you overbet the turn + bet so big the river.
When you are CR on this river after this action, your 33 = bluffcatcher. Do you really think he puts you on QdJd and he is CRing a NFD for value ?
Pretty gross spot. I like your sizings on all streets and agree that villain will really only have T9s once in a blue moon and 98s as well to take this line. But I don't see a reg ever checkraising worse/bluffs here so I think you can make a hero fold and call your better boats.
TT makes sense since it blocks your top pair combos and strengthens his x/c range OTF.
seem like a crying call
for pot odds sake it's a crying call..
I dislike the sizings. :( Especially on the river ... we´re trying to get a very tiny range of Villain to call (!!) and with our sizings we make it way too easy for him in general. Once we get shoved in THAT specific situation, his range should simply crush us, as he shouldn´t even have bluffs anymore.
Well, most of the hands that called the first two streets are now either flushes, tp (that often folds regardless) and trips, so what's the problem with bombing river?
At my stakes I'd actually probably overshove the river here (50nl)
Which sizing would you prefer? I assume it would be smaller, because most of our bluffes improve on the river.
Oh man, after he flats that turn sizing and raises river...I can't ever see that being a flush. I think this is specifically TT almost always.
If we're calling were basically giving him credit for having some balance here, right? Pot odds don't really mean anything if we hold a pure bluffcatcher and he doesn't have bluffs
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