NL200z - AA deep
Posted by bdon22
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Mid Stakes
NL200z - AA deep
Blinds: $1.00/$2.00 (6 Players)
BN: $388.70
SB: $200.00
BB: $290.75 (Hero)
UTG: $156.45
MP: $214.31
CO: $200.00
SB: $200.00
BB: $290.75 (Hero)
UTG: $156.45
MP: $214.31
CO: $200.00
Hero is BB with
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We block Ah but I think he could still have a wide range or maybe vbet worse.
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Betting turn with the intention to x/f a brick seems very weak to me.
just shove river i don't think it's thin at all
Yes i agree shove, perhaps w/o Ah XC is better.
As played XC imo.
I would valuebet the river. It is very appealing for villain to raise flop or turn with his stronger hands, because many cards kill the action for him.
Im not so sure if it's that appealing for villain to raise his worse OP such as TT, JJ..
I think its would be really dependent on how he views our 3b BB vs BTN range
Since he does not have any combos of Axh I think that villain would call mostly with good 9x and TT not wanting to raise IP and face a shove vs our semi bluffs..However i do agree that the top of his value range mostly "sets" would raise somewhere before the river..
That being said I think villain is just going to station here a lot on the river and we should bet..
Yeah a pretty easy valuebet OTR imo.
I would start with a check i think, because this board can only hit a very wide Low card 3bet range and i also think it helps him more Than us. Flop x/c . The rest of the hand i Duno how would go down unfortunately. I dont like the small bets, he can turn everything into a bluff easily and put us into a difficult spot and i think we also dont have a marginal range, so when we Bet, we have a FD or overpair like QQ-AA. Betting very big like almost pot size is better i think, we Could do it even with a FD and he has a hard time with JJ QQ . I think i would size also bigger every 3bets to like 11 bb.
c/c is kinda nice imo
bettings fine 2
Xc is fine if villain plays draws passivly but fires when checked too
The river didn't improve any hand, so checking the river is only to let Btn to make a bluff move by showing weakness on our hand. If he already had a set, straight or even two pairs, he would raise the turn, so I would value bet the river or call the villain bet.
Looking at the hand again. You can have a wide Low card hand range like 85s ect so this betsize u use is correct in this flop, but most of those hands probably would not continue betting on the turn. I just correct myself because earlier i didnt like it.
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