Nl200 TT vs Squeeze Deep stack

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Nl200 TT vs Squeeze Deep stack

BN: $245.30
SB: $881.75
BB: $255.55
HJ: $200
CO: $351.30

Opponent is playing up to 5/10 limits but has a negative profit .Its a very good spot for him pre to Sqz because I have 72% fold t to 3bet . And most of all its hard for me to calling because btn got a good price to call also, His sb sqz is 10% with 70% fold to 4 bet. But if i got KQo i d more preffer to turn it into bluff than TT which can normal playability postflop and when we hit with deaper stacks we can earn a lot. If we think about his squizzing range it looks like 88+ A9s AJs+KQs Q9sJ9s85s-86s 98s T9s) thats all i know His Cbetting oop in 3 BP pots flop 72 turn 40 (with high percent of XR) river 61% I have no idea how this numbers turn into ranges by the way

Preflop ($3.00) (5 Players)
HJ folds, CO raises to $5, BN calls $5, SB raises to $20, BB folds, CO calls $15, BN folds
Flop ($48.00) 8 3 3 (2 Players)
SB bets $24, CO calls $24
oN this low flop i got 67% vs his Cbet But when i call my range is 50% A-hi 30% FD 10% TP10%full So he can easily barrell any JQKA on turn with the same range .
Turn ($96.00) J (2 Players)
SB bets $65, CO calls $65
River ($226.00) 7 (2 Players)
SB bets $772.75, CO folds
Blank river he overbets . I know that 200nl is not great money game for him cause he is palying upper limits but neverheless if he thinks about my river range i guess most of the time i cant cll this jam. I hope you guys will help me with this .Also interesting how do u play river with AJ
Final Pot
SB wins $222

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