NL200: trying to improve my sizings
Posted by PaulPanther
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Mid Stakes
NL200: trying to improve my sizings
Blinds: $1.00/$2.00 (6 Players)
BN: $200.00 (Hero)
SB: $176.00
BB: $163.53
UTG: $374.58
MP: $200.98
CO: $245.60
SB: $176.00
BB: $163.53
UTG: $374.58
MP: $200.98
CO: $245.60
Hero is BN with
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Final Pot
wins and shows a full house, Fours full of Jacks.
BN wins $405.00
Rake is $3.00
BN wins $405.00
Rake is $3.00
CO is a Station with low W$WSF. When he bets he has something - no need to slowplay here. He called me down with KTcc.
But i dont like my sizings in general. With this river SPR i shouldnt bluff much und he shouldnt bluffcatch, but if i bet the turn smaller i'm afraid that i make it to cheap for him to draw. What do you think about a smaller flopraise or a larger flopraise followed by a shove on the turn?
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Seems like raising bigger otf and overbet shoving good turns is the best option. Interesting spot is when bad turns hit which happens more than we'd like in Hero's shoes.
Even with this sizing otf I like just ob jamming the turn. 2 fds, a million sds, etc. Also our range can contain hands like 56s and 109 since we overcall preflop.
If the turn is a brick we can go smaller or use your sizing I think. As far as raising bigger otf we can but I don't think I want to be like 5x raising here with a gutter.
Would you guys make it 2 street play against someone who is not huge calling station? Let's say that the CO is decent regular ? Or is it just an exploit against calling station?
Interesting topic.
Had the same hand versus a station where I had 1.5 pot on turn with set on 36Thh 5.
I end up betting 80% pot and I was commit when he opens on a 3rd hearth on the river with Q5hh.
So I wonder if it is not better to just jam our good TP+ and our draws versus rec players on the turn when the pot is under 1.5 pot, or maybe even 2 pots on drawy boards.
Especially when I cant fold any river with a set with such good odds.
Versus regz it's a lot trickier, because we will not be paid as much, and we can fold more safely on the river when they open ship if the draw hit. I think OOP I prefer a shove on scary board, and a std big bet IP.
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