[NL200] Sizing IP Turn on a good card for our range
Posted by PokerIsHard
Posted by PokerIsHard posted in Mid Stakes
[NL200] Sizing IP Turn on a good card for our range
CO: 200
BN: 58.63
SB: 229.24
BB: 213.24
HJ: 200 (Hero)
BN: 58.63
SB: 229.24
BB: 213.24
HJ: 200 (Hero)
(5 Players)
Hero was dealt,
Hero raises to 6,
CO folds,
BN folds,
SB calls 5,
BB folds
(2 Players)
SB checks,
Hero bets 7.19,
SB calls 7.19
(2 Players)
SB checks
What is the best sizing OTT vs a reg kind of standard (26/20 ; 33% aggr. factor, 47% fold vs Cbet ; on the station side).
Should we have multiple sizing according to our hand (Ax, monster, draws, AIR), or just ONE standard sizing ?
The main things we want to do :
- set up a 3 barrels to fold Qx ;
- gain at least one more street of value from Qx with Ax+ ;
- fold Qx- with our draws / total AIR.
What's the best sizing ?
- 1/2 pot ?
- 3/4 pot ?
- other (I am creative, but I don't think it is a good spot to underbet / overbet, but I can be wrong) ?
If the turn wasn't a great card for our range, should our bet sizing change (be bigger for example) ?
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