[NL200] Sizing IP Turn on a good card for our range

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[NL200] Sizing IP Turn on a good card for our range

CO: 200
BN: 58.63
SB: 229.24
BB: 213.24
HJ: 200 (Hero)
Preflop (3) (5 Players)
Hero was dealt, Hero raises to 6, CO folds, BN folds, SB calls 5, BB folds
Flop (14) Q 5 7 (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero bets 7.19, SB calls 7.19
Turn (28.38) A (2 Players)
SB checks

What is the best sizing OTT vs a reg kind of standard (26/20 ; 33% aggr. factor, 47% fold vs Cbet ; on the station side).

Should we have multiple sizing according to our hand (Ax, monster, draws, AIR), or just ONE standard sizing ?

The main things we want to do :

- set up a 3 barrels to fold Qx ;

- gain at least one more street of value from Qx with Ax+ ;

- fold Qx- with our draws / total AIR.

What's the best sizing ?

- 1/2 pot ?

- 3/4 pot ?

- other  (I am creative, but I don't think it is a good spot to underbet / overbet, but I can be wrong) ?

If the turn wasn't a great card for our range, should our bet sizing change (be bigger for example) ?

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