nl200 fr: how play multiway
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Mid Stakes
nl200 fr: how play multiway
villain is tigh regular
i feel its bad checkraise size with whole range here on flop. its potsizeraise but still too big imo.
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I don't think c/r is going to be your best option with this hand. The flush draw presence increases our opponent's shoving/continuing ranges and cuts out our clean outs from 8 to 6.
This leaves two options. Check/call or lead. The draw you have is hidden so it should play well as a check/call. You are liable to get paid off on a 3 or 7 and have the ability to bluff some other draws that complete.
so i should only cr and semibluff on later streets the strongest flushdraws here or like half of ax flushdraws and call rest of flushdraws straightdraws toppair +?
ok this is general gameplan goes too far to ask^^
leading enables a better spot for us when he 3-bet; by check raising we have to fold to his shove as played but by leading we should be able to call a 3-bet profitably when we consider implied odds with such a hidden draw.
this line makes the turn a whole lot easier to play also as the villian still has the initiative and we can comfortably check fold a bad turn and there is a possibility of a check behind giving us a free card.
I would really like to see a turn here as we have backdoor diamonds too. i might lead or fold with the bare double-gutshot when i may be squeezed out the pot multiway.
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