NL200 Best line with AAAKK vs. fish in 4B pot?
Posted by bdon22
Posted by bdon22 posted in Mid Stakes
NL200 Best line with AAAKK vs. fish in 4B pot?
CO is a regfish that's slightly on the spewy side. I'm not sure what the best line to take is. I feel that he's good enough to slow play his quads here a % of the time so when I bet/jam I get owned every time. However, I will lose value to his QQ/JJ sometimes as well which I think are most certainly in his range given his high 3B % pre-flop (something like 15% in CO and low F3B/F4B). Also he will have some random bluffs like JTs/98s which I never get money from if I decide to bet. So what's the best line?
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