nl200: 2pair OTF, drawy board, river decision
Posted by BOE
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Mid Stakes
nl200: 2pair OTF, drawy board, river decision
Blinds: $1.00/$2.00 (4 Players)
BN: $202.00
SB: $640.17
BB: $209.50 (Hero)
CO: $200.00
SB: $640.17
BB: $209.50 (Hero)
CO: $200.00
Hero is BB with
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Final Pot
BN wins $127.00
Rake is $2.00
Rake is $2.00
Villain is a good reg and usually plays high stackes. BTN RFI 58%, Fold Raise cbet OTF 1/3, Agg 46 , cbet IP 74/70/60 only 2k hds.
Generally I do not raise much OTF, I think my perceived here is strong draws( A4ss,J8ss,JQss,87ss some NFD), sets (all 44 combos, some 99 but
honestly I think to 3bet TT almost always), 2pair of T9, some AT, some weak pairs turned bluff because he barrells very much.
I am not too sure about my played turn but expecially OTR, villain's bet is polarized, I think he always have flushes or hands like Asx, KQ, JQ, KJ,J8 (with one s) etc
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I think I mostly like calling the flop here. You probably don't have 1010/99 in your preflop range and this board runs out pretty gross a lot of the time after we check raise with this hand. As played, I think turn and river are fine.
I would lead flop, reraise big if he raises here. This way, we get the money in asap and if we get just called, we can bet fold bad turns with confidence.
Well played. I think ch/raising flop is a must. If we dont xr 9T we only xr 44(for value). He will call flop so often with Tx/overpaise/FD,,,. Yea there are a lot of bad turns, but we are verry well balanced if we also xr some fd/sd/gs.
Don't particularly like betting turn. If you want to do some kind of range merge then 4s4x seems like a better candidate. You can probably find a river call at least sometimes given the odds he's giving (his sizing is suspicious, but don't know what it means) - he should have enough QJ, J8, 87, KQ with 1 spade to make it ok.
Protection seems like a fairly big deal on this turn given that most of villain's range is going to be one pair hands or OESD's that can have flush draws with them. Obviously villain can have flushes but we probably don't need to put any more money in the pot after the turn bet.
If villain knew we were betting frequently for protection he could exploit us by raising turn with a lot of his flush blockers
He would only be able to exploit us if the EV he was gaining by raising was superior to the EV that he would get by calling with hands like QsQx. It's not like villain is just going to bet call AsJx on the flop hoping we bet fold a spade turn.
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