NL20 pot with huge fish and on reg

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NL20 pot with huge fish and on reg

SB: $20
BB: $20
HJ: $55.86
CO: $12.52
BN: $28.64
Seat 10 is the button
Seat 2: Player2 ( $20.00 USD ) - VPIP: 23, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 3.2, Hands: 1747
Seat 4: Player4 ( $20.00 USD ) - VPIP: 21, PFR: 17, 3B: 4, AF: 3.4, Hands: 1392 - VILIAN (not to much read ,some donk betting with flush draw, 4bet AQo OOP(intresting information for this game),dont like folding TP on x/raise on flop)
Seat 6: Player6 ( $55.86 USD ) - VPIP: 31, PFR: 16, 3B: 13, AF: 2.7, Hands: 143
Seat 9: Player9 ( $12.52 USD ) - VPIP: 83, PFR: 2, 3B: 5, AF: 0.4, Hands: 63 - FISH VILIAN-crazy calling station fish
Seat 10: Hero ( $28.64 USD ) - VPIP: 22, PFR: 17, 3B: 7, AF: 2.3, Hands: 86532

Preflop ($0.30) (5 Players)
HJ folds, CO calls $0.20, BN calls $0.20, SB calls $0.10, BB checks
i raise fish like 4 game in row ,than i just call in this situation
Flop ($0.80) T 7 3 (4 Players)
SB checks, BB bets $0.60, CO calls $0.60, BN calls $0.60, SB folds
Reg bet and i think he have range of top pair ,flush draw,str draw,but he can have two pair too
i think set it isnt option (he only check from bb)-only maybe 33

about fish i dont worry ,i will happy too stack off here again him if reg was not in game
Turn ($2.60) T (3 Players)
BB bets $1.40, CO calls $1.40, BN raises to $4.80, BB raises to $10, CO folds, BN raises to $27.84, BB calls $9.20
i think he dont have AT or either KT ->he will raise limper with it,than i still think he have flush or str draw or worse T,only worry about T7 or T3 ,maybe T9 is not in his range (maybe PFR too)
Again this range i think raise is OK i don´t wanna only call and look on scary river card and be front of hard decision OTR.

Can i fold when he 3bet me? his range suddenly change -> with draw i think he will only call or fold (pair board) i look strong than 3bet with draw isnt good idea.
What you think?Can we give him some card oin his range which i first think he raise from BB PreF? (77,33,AT,KT)
River ($57.24) 9 (2 Players)
Final Pot
BB wins $40.28


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SCS 11 years, 4 months ago

Just calling preflop against the fish is a mistake in my opinion. As played, I would just call the turn and see what happens on the river. By raising, you allow the BB to 3 bet, which folds out most of the CO's range (who you want in the pot) and isolates you against a very strong BB range putting you in a shitty spot. I also think it's good to have some Tx hands in your calldown range, so that you aren't getting to the river with a capped range of weak draws and 66 type hands. Also keep in mind that while you probably have the best hand on the turn, your hand is actually pretty weak against BB's range for continuing vs a turn raise.

Getready2rokk 11 years, 4 months ago

"i raise fish like 4 game in row ,than i just call in this situation"

Thats just bad, just keep raising.

Turn is not looking good in limped pot w QT, lots of hands have you beat now.
Pretty sick to raise fold tho, but you look suppper strong and he still raises small so meh really not like my hand.
I dont think he has FDs btw, they typically dont 3bet turn that small.
You can prob pokerstove this and give him a range of trips +
Idk its prob pretty close and prob sigh fold...

Ondrej Rysavy 11 years, 4 months ago

i think he had only trips ,never sets here (PRF check on BB)

Daz 11 years, 4 months ago

he can definitely be checking 77/33 in the big blind. and of course he can have T7/T3. I prefer calling the turn too. if i do raise the turn i'm not folding, the question is whether you raise the turn in the first place.

If i feel BB is gonna overplay JT or worse then yes i raise and stack off.  

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