NL2-How to to react vs Flop DonkBets
Posted by BaneYwf
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Low Stakes
NL2-How to to react vs Flop DonkBets
What do you think should be our strategy vs such plays in NL2?
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Donk bets are usually from weak players at micro stakes. Strategy is COMPLETELY dependant on the villain. A classic fish example is that they donk with medium strength hands because they don't feel comfortable check / calling. Another example is a donk bet on for example a 2210r board that's usually a bluff because fish love to "trap" like Phil Helmuth and check raise. Note that these are only general tendezies i've noticed in soft games, it all depends on your villain.
There is no formula - but generally they are weaker. If fish donks its basically weakish - if regulars donk, that can have a lot of reasons and ranging and history becomes important
call your weak hands and raise your good hands
and raise your draws. good idea
Raise your draws only when you feel you have fold equity. A lot of the times, fish is donk/calling at least flop and turn instead of donk/folding
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