[NL2] How to play this hand?
Posted by Pokerlogical
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Low Stakes
[NL2] How to play this hand?
Blinds: $0.01/$0.02 (6 Players)
BN: $2.00 (Hero)
SB: $2.10
BB: $2.30
UTG: $2.09
MP: $2.45
CO: $2.20
SB: $2.10
BB: $2.30
UTG: $2.09
MP: $2.45
CO: $2.20
Hero is BN with
, , , , ,
Final Pot
wins and shows two pair, Tens and Threes.
MP wins $0.38
Rake is $0.01
MP wins $0.38
Rake is $0.01
I figured that he won't fold much on the flop only TT and KQ maybe.
Flop is probably a bet tho :/ ...
But I didn't bet flop cause I wasn't sure if I should double barrel Turn to get QQ to fold or if I should even triple barrel this...
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I would just call pre with 87s. You are in position and your hand plays pretty well postflop. Also, you might get one or both of the blinds to come along, which improves your implied odds.
As played, I would c-bet once for sure on this flop. You should have plenty of aces in your range. Your hand has no showdown value, and can improve on a heart, and any 6, 7, 8, 10.
With the brick on the turn, I would tend to just check behind. I would check if an 8 or 7 came, intending to showdown. With a heart or a 6 on the turn, I would double barrel. And, of course, if a T comes, I'd value bet.
On the river, if he bets, I fold. If he checks, I may or may not bluff, depending on my opponent. Usually I just give up, because if he calls your 3-bet pre, and then calls the flop, he should have an ace somewhat often, and he's not folding an ace to a river bet. Also players at NL2 tend to be calling stations, especially on the turn and river.
I'd c bet flop like .24c or something.. confident bet takes it down a lot of the time, and play your range more so than your hand right? you have backdoors you can decide what to do on and its a rainbow flop so take that into account with his calling range and you have position on him. I think calling 87s is fine too but I like to 3 bet it as well but I'd make it 20 or 21 cents to maximize fold equity so it tightens up their range to some extent but that's being nit picky.. I think its fine to just give up on a scary flop vs some opponents but I'd put them in tough spots when they decide not to 4 bet and the ace comes on the flop. I'm ready to stack off when I 3 bet (evaluating that decision each street ofc) and like to be aggressive on certain flops based on ranges and backdoors just as much as I'd be aggressive on an A 8 7 flop or something. If you are going to be more passive just call pre for sure. But I don't think your thinking is "incorrect" because really your question is "do I c bet here" pretty much right?
But in all honesty you played it fine, poor flop for your hand haha. (But not your range!!!) :)
I'm also the guy who likes to overbet (15-20% over pot nothing crazy) when I see a lack of aggression though.. but picking the spots to overbet as a bluff or for value is one of the most fun aspects of poker for me
You have a pretty substantial range advantage here and said range is going to want to bet at a very high frequency. You do block some of his folds (88, 77) but betting > checking here.
As played, probably need to take a stab on the turn and I am going to betting bigger rather than smaller. Mediocre hands are going to be put in a tough spot since the 3 is a complete brick. You can certainly rep something strong that you trapped on that "semi dry" board.
Is the villain a recreational player or a reg? How often and on how many opportunities does the villain open-raise from the HJ and fold to a 3-bet?
PF, I would just have called with 87s. The problem is that, when 3-betting with 87s versus HJ, you will very often isolate yourself versus the villain’s calling range from HJ, which is strong enough (QQ-22, AQs-AJs, AQo, KQs, KQo, maybe ATs, sometimes AK if not 4-bet). And let us not talk about a 4-bet after your 3-bet… If you want to 3-bet with a polarised range, 87s is better suited when you are OOP and the open-raiser from CO or Btn; in other words, the polarised range I would use to 3-bet IP would be { A9s-A2s, K9s-K2s } rather than SCs.
As played flop, your check back is fine, since the flop hits the villain’s calling range in a 3BP.
As played turn, since the villain checked again, I would bet just to earn such an orphan pot. Concerning the sizing, I would make an overbet (1.2 time the pot), since the card revealed on the turn is a brick, which means that a classical sizing would not give you enough FE. And in case the villain called my overbet, I would not do anything on the river and would fold in case of X / R.
Thank you for your suggestions I do really appreciate any advice I can get.
I have a question tho considering his OOP 3bet calling range.
Is it standard to call 3bets OOP with 22-77?
I figure most of my opponents will definitely fold 22-66 when theyre getting 3bet OOP.
77 is borderline, 88 is often a call for them.
Versus a 3-bet, to set mine in a profitable way with a PP like 77-22, you have to be able to earn 15 times the amount to call when OOP (12 times when IP). In this hand, the villain could call your 3-bet with any PP easily, since your stack is deep enough and the villain needs to be able to earn $1.80 (15 * $0.12 to call).
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