NL2 AK OOP on QQJ flop
Posted by JonathanPla
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Low Stakes
NL2 AK OOP on QQJ flop
Blinds: $0.01/$0.02 (6 Players)
BN: $4.13
SB: $2.82
BB: $2.00
UTG: $2.01
MP: $2.16
CO: $2.21 (Hero)
SB: $2.82
BB: $2.00
UTG: $2.01
MP: $2.16
CO: $2.21 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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Board is better for us, but I'm not sure about villain? they can have QJ, 9T, JT I guess, so it's not too bad for them.
I think bet size is fine, if they didn't connect they'll fold. but i'm not sure
I think bet size is fine, if they didn't connect they'll fold. but i'm not sure
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I c/c since I have a gs, and he can have a lot of draws. I don't see a rason to bet first, but can we ever double barrel here? If so why?
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Final Pot
BN wins $0.49
Rake is $0.02
Rake is $0.02
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Flop, I can go either way. I check a lot OOP as preflop raiser, but betting fine too. I might split and bet the Ac or Kc combos of AKo since they have better equity/ev/blocking effects.
Also, betting turn isn't terrible since he will likely have a bunch of club/club hands in his range that you can get value from.
One thing to consider is your massive nut advantage (trips+) on this flop. You will have like Q6s+, Q9o+ where he will have like QTs+ and some AQ/KQ. This is important and makes me kind of lean towards betting flop here at a high frequency.
Agree with Hawks on this being a mix preferring to bet the Ac and Kc. Disagree with the last part about betting this at a high frequency though. If villain is a reg they are likely flatting a very concentrated range that is heavy in suited broadway's and pocket pairs. While we do have way more Qx than villain, villains Qx combos make up a much more relevant portion of their range. Ours is heavily diluted by Ax and Kx combos and so this board does equalize quite a bit. Add that to hero being OOP and it makes me want to be much more selective.
I am going to post the range I used (it is weighted, BTN vs CO call in SRP). I have zero problem with your logic about not betting at a high frequency. If we simply look at our AKo range, we have all of the combos. Vs nutted stuff, FD's and OESD's, he hits about 25% of the time. Vs middle pairs and underpairs he hits much more often obviously. But, those hands like 66/55 will call once and fold to further aggression (again, its an assumption that we don't get stationed too often on the turn).
What are your thoughts?
HawksWin curious, what charts are you using that say Q6s is a CO open? Isn't Q6s like a 40% percentile hand?
Disclaimer, I play on Ignition, so it's anonymous. I am uber tight form UTG and probably more tight than most from MP. I open up substantially from CO/BTN/SB. Q6s is the bottom of my range likely but it's in there. BTN fold enough to CO open that I am playing a ton of pots IP vs bad passive players in the blinds. I have posted a solver based CO range that I basically use.
HawksWin thanks for replying with the chart, is this a GTO chart or something you came up with? That looks to be about a 29% range, which seems fine for CO, for some reason I've just never included Q6s but maybe I'm behind the times :)
This is NL2. I'm not sure about the range of vilain Hawkswin choose here. Either vilain is a NL2 and he will 3bet AKo, QQ and A5s-A2s all the time. Also He'll call is broadway 100%. I agree with Phrikshin finally our rangehave nuts but a bunch of garbage too K5s, A8o... While vilain have a more compact range. Plus he can call 1 street with an underpair like 99-TT.
Either vilain is a super fish and we can bet 2 street and make him fold
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