NL1k Stay balance: It matters ?
Posted by Juan Copani
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Juan Copani
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High Stakes
NL1k Stay balance: It matters ?
HJ: $1791
CO: $1664.25
BN: $1267
SB: $1358.52 (Hero)
BB: $1012
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO raises to $22.50, BN folds, Hero calls $17.50, BB calls $12.50
My main question after play this hand is how important is stay balance at this spot ?
I would not have any doubt if we were 100bb, but we start the hand 140bb deep. Which makes his click it back ackward for the times i have AJ/JJ/TT, even with 78dd/89dd, i think im not able to go broke on the flop (whit those hands). Most of the times im gonna face AA/JJ/KQ/or a better combodraw. And i really don´t think he could be to bluffy at this time: 3way pot, board hits everyones range very hard, etc..
So.. now that i have the nuts i start to think that if i want to play unpredictible i have to call. But i feel im giving to much credit to villains thougt proccess, because too many times the board changes and we dont end with all the chips in..
How important its this fact ??
And i´d like to know if i could also fold the turn.. Turn is the best card for the range im repping, i think no reg of nl1k would bluff this card..
What do you think ?
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imo i think this spot comes up so infrequently that balance doesnt matter too much here and i rarely see people 3bet bluffing in this spot 3 ways
And i rarely would raise his 3b with other than KQ. That´s my main problem !
I don't think this is a big enough of a problem to not raise KQ. Calling with KQ on the flop here really sucks. If you find that you're being exploited for being unbalanced because of your tight 4-betting range, then you should consider raising other hands as well... not removing KQ from your 4-betting range. There's too many cards that really suck for you on the turn.
You seem to make the assumption that he is (almost) never bluffing.
On the river you need 20.5% to call, against {KQ,AA,JJ,TT} you have 28.1% so that would be a clear call.
On the turn, against {KQ,AA,JJ,TT,KdJd} you have 30.5% and you need 36.9% to call down, assuming he always shoves the river. So if anything, you should fold the turn and not the river.
Regarding the flop, you slowplay seems to indicate that he would would 3-bet sets and AJ for value here and that you can get him to fold correctly if you reraise now, whereas calling will make him put in money incorrectly. If he is bluffing so infrequent you benefit greatly from him not realizing his equity with sets and AJ, indicating that you should 4-bet the flop and shove the turn.
And I don't think the turn is so great for your range, you don't have many AA/JJ/TT combo's due to your flat preflop. Thus this card only improves AT.
Been destroying the WSOP, GT?
"On the river you need 20.5% to call, against {KQ,AA,JJ,TT} you have 28.1% so that would be a clear call."
Surely this is wrong because that 28.1% is made up solely of times when we chop, so normal pot odds don't apply?
Although the range of {KQ,AA,JJ,TT,KdJd} is possible, I think it's pretty unlikely. On this board I would expect TT to be heavily discounted or non-existent, and JJ to be somewhere between discounted to non-existent. How far those go between discounted to non-existent depend a lot on the player we're up against.
Yeah, there's a flush draw here... but I still don't see TT wanting to go broke. JJ might or might not want to play aggro here depending on what they think of the hero.
If your assumption of the range we're up against is accurate, sure, we call the river... in practice, I don't think that's likely. This is likely to be either a clear fold or a clear call depending on who we're playing against. Some players are good/tricky enough where they can't be exploited here... but that seems to be pretty rare, especially since it looks like a spot where hero's range is likely exploitable.
Pls check how frequently you call the turn and fold the river in general. It seems that u do that often enough to consider it as one of your leak. Because you put your nearly half stack on turn getting pot commited and fold on the river even you know a random river wont change or decreases your equity vs his range. You only wonder he check back the river X% of the time hopelessly.
flop seems semi-criminal to not have gotten in it. our perceived get it in range otf could include stuff that in theory might actually not, enough so that denying him his equity with his really strong range..
Hand 0: 72.998% 72.55% { KQo }
Hand 1: 27.002% 26.55% { AA, JJ-TT, AJs, AJo }
seems like a good plan.
I think there a two scenarios here
1. You assume that he is capable of 3beting alot of Air here. The line here would be to call down turn and river no matter how the board will run out
2. You assume that his 3betting range is quite tight here and always with alot of Eq. The line here would be to 4bet/getit in on the flop because it just makes no sense Call it here and risk that he might fold a Set if a flush cardor Kx Qx hits the turn or river.
You would also get the best value out of KdJd Kd9d
From the Betsizing I would make the read that he has you on a FD and has himself KQ (9 combos)
his 450 in 720 on the turn is quite big and you guys don't have to much left for the river anyway after (I just realized that you have around 550$ left on the river)
So I dont see a reason why he should bet so big on the turn.
Given that you have only 550$ on the river I cant see myself folding this
He would have 9combos of KQ and 6combos of a AA, JJ, TT and 2 combos of KdJd Kd9d
against those range you have 29% and you need only 20 to call the river
As played we have to call river imo. Fold assumes not only that he is never bluffing but that he is never value betting worse. The decision should me made on the turn in either case calling almost half of our remaining stack (more than half our starting stack) here and folding any river sounds like a disaster to me.
I also think we have to 4bet/shove flop if we are playing this way with our combo draws. (Kx Qx diamonds). IF we usually flat big draws in this spot against this type opponent then slowplaying flop is fine. Not to mention if he plays his combo draws this way. Specially if he is a player that 3bets checks back turns with those draws or marginal made hands for this situation (a10 j10 maybe even aj - assuming he flats ak aq to our raise on the flop)
On a smaller note: Something I don't think that was mentioned is the freeroll opportunity we lose if the turn is a diamond, against any kq combo's w/o the k of diamonds, which he will most likely check back. If he does bet a diamond turn we are shoving her right? If he does have a flush we are not folding the river in any case and we don't want him to check back any 4flush river cards (which he most likely will do unless he has the K of diamionds. Inthe rare chase he has kq with the k of diamonds we are in bad shape on a diamond turn regardless.
I think you raising from SB, with BB left to act on such a wet board makes a big difference. Had you been in BB, after SB folding, you might raise the CO a lot, and the CO could raise you back with sets and top 2. But in this case, I think that the CO is either flatting you with sets and top two, or if he thinks you have a monster draw, he is re-rasing you big, not just another 140 on top. Your very well-disguised flat on such a board makes him believe that you don't have KQ, and gives him the licence to continue betting. Because from SB, you are almost never raising the flop with A10, J10. Also, you are 3-betting pre-flop with JJ, 10, AA. So you can mostly never have a boat there. I think at best what he has there is KQ, which you are not scared of. And depending on the player profile and your history with him, he can also have a lot of semi-bluffs that you beat. I personally feel it was a call. Let me know what you think?
>> "On the river you need 20.5% to call, against {KQ,AA,JJ,TT} you have 28.1% so that would be a clear call.
> Surely this is wrong because that 28.1% is made up solely of times when we chop, so normal pot odds don't apply?
No, it´s correct. Read the "equity" as your share from the pot. The equities are:
Hero: Win 0%, Tie 28.1%
Villain: Win 43.8%, Tie 28.1%
You can see that all figures add up to 100%. So it´s not "28% we split for half pot and 72% we lose", but "28.1% of the pot 'belongs' to us".
It seems like a bigger mistake to
1.) not be able to get it in on the flop with the nuts
2.)to have a less balanced flatting range.
If these are our options, i'd much rather have a jamming range.
balance is moot, rip flop
I don't see the point of going b-3b on the flop w/ 78dd & 89dd in villain's shoes. I'd say 3-betting them doesn't really accomplish anything against our flop check-raising range. 3-betting makes it kinda iffy if he's forced to call it off. He's behind against our made hands and he's dominated by our better draws. KJdd, K9dd, K8dd are better candidates for villain for 3-betting the flop and barreling it off turn+river.
Problem with your flop check-raise that it's "nutty" proportion is heavily weighted towards KQ and not much else. Maybe AJ, but I think I probably call 50% of those combos.
Contrary to what you said, I think turn is actually a very bad card for you with this line, as it only hits AA, JJ, TT, AT, JT. All the pairs you almost always 3-bet pre and check-raising AT & JT on this flop is just bad.
It's not as simple as:
scneario 1- He's willing to go broke with A10/J on the flop and isn't bluffing enough so we shove.
Scenario 2-He's b/3b with enough combo draws that we need to call down, and as such call any runout except the flush completing.
He's probably playing a mixed strategy where he raises flop for thin value sometime given that you don't connect with the board well, as well as some bluffs. With the bluffs it's not guaranteed that he'll barrell off. He'll fire two some runouts, three sometimes, and probably give up sometimes.
Strategies where you make a decision on an earlier street to call down whatever the runout are overrated. I always see situations where people say if you call turn you have to call river or else it's a leak. This is based on assumptions like everytime he 2 barrells, he three barrells. Or everytime he cbets he's barrelling off. Even if it's true it's not very good logic.
donk lead this flop given stack sizes
I agree with this statement ... it´s not helpful at all, even less as I don´t know what the poster was referring to. If I was able to delete it, I would do it.
If you have have enough bluff combos in your range to reraise on flop, reraise, if If "he never ever bluffs in this spot" on river, exploit him and fold. If he can bluff sometimes, call river. If you do not have any idea, call river.
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