nl1K online AA deep BB vs CO

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nl1K online AA deep BB vs CO

Blinds: $5.00/$10.00 (6 Players) MP: $1165.02
CO: $1719.52
BN: $2584.84
SB: $1025.00
BB: $2726.90 (Hero)
UTG: $2597.19
Preflop ($15.00) Hero is BB with A A
2 folds, CO raises to $30.00, 2 folds, Hero raises to $115.00, CO calls $85.00
Flop ($235.00) 5 T 8
Hero checks, CO bets $150.00, Hero raises to $485.00, CO calls $335.00


I feel like I missplayed the hand, tired and scared money...Anyway

Guy open 24% CO, fold 50% vs 3Bet, AF 2.7. I know he uses to spew a bit in 4Bet/5bet light pre. Postflop very sticky as well.

I didn't want to go for a 3Barrel, cause I thought he might not give me credit for a bluff that deep, so I was afraid that my 3rd barrel wouldn't be called by much worse plus a lot of turn and river would prevent me from actually betting, so I was afraid I would end up C/Folding a lot by the river which I felt bad about. So I elected to check, I was planning to go for C/C but finally just spewed a raise in "maybe he will stack off some draws, maybe he'll be unable to fold a T, QQ and JJ..." Actually this doesnt seem so unreasonnable, but still I don't feel good about this hand.
Now away from table I think I would have liked to bet flop and C/C turn, evaluate river...Actually the line I took isn't so horrible but it feels so much like giving money to his sets and he should be able to not lose his stack with most hands that have poor equity against my hand. What do you think ?
Actually my biggest problem here is that I feel my range very transparent, who would like to 3Bet light oop deep against a guy who oesnt fold to 3Bet and is sticky/hard to play postflop...
Please comment.

Thank you.


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Disharmonist 10 years, 3 months ago

You are more likely to 3barrel bluff with air than checkraising after being the preflop aggressor. I would bet twice, x/decide on the river, calling most blanks.

MrSneeze 10 years, 3 months ago

Are u playing on french sites Thomas? One guy has the same nick as u.
I don't think you necessarilly played the hand bad. The line is pretty interesting with stack depth to be honest. The good play(s) depend on your image mostly, and how your image interacts with vilain's image. Vilain has to give you credit for check-raising bluff basically, which is not something everybody does. Is that why you dislike your play? Because vilain has no reason to believe you'd bluff taking that line?

If so, then you have answered your worries yourself, but in itself I don't see your line as 'bad'. What can really be bad in poker, as long as you have good reasons for doing whatever you're doing?

Most players would C-bet and usually 2 barrel. And usually bet river as well, but it depends on so many factors that you can't really know in advance. What I mean is that with stack sizes it's a good situation for barrelling (depending on board and opponent). But obv that doesn't mean we need to barrel, we are free to take more passive / tricky lines.

lilxam 10 years, 3 months ago

I would only check/raise if I have a particular history with villain where he saw me doing that with a draw. Otherwise I prefer just betting flop turn and river it depends on the board.

2thomas2 10 years, 3 months ago

Yes, hello comtemplative Mr Sneeze ;)
Yes I guess that's kinda what I dislike. It's not that I'm nit about bluffing, but I don't use much C/R as the preflop 3Bettor. So I really don't know how he can see that C/R which is why at the beginning I planned to C/C. But finally, if someone C/R when he uses to never do it, I find it's frequently a bluff (They first give up and then think about raising basically) or just a draw. The problem here is the board cause it seems a bad board to C/R bluff on it I believe, and specifically on drawy boards people tend to C/R their overpairs so it feels obvious.
On the other hand, it seems like a board I'm gonna fold a lot after checking, so his betting range should be wide and he might fold to some C/R which might make a C/R ok after all...not really against his profile though...So yes I feel like my C/R is transparent too.
Well not horrible it's true, but I guess not the best line ever. The problem mostly is that I'm not balanced when betting flop and turn on this kind of board, and know it. So it must be what I should focus on, but it's true it demands 3barreling a lot as a bluff and for value, because the 3rd barrel is going to be the most effective as a bluff I believe, when turn+river blanks ?
But again draws and cards that'll give a lot of 2P will come very often T+R, so we would 3barrel on blanks but stop when boards reinforces his range, right ?

So yeah C/R is trickier and needs more reasons basically...Thank you all :)

Daniel Dvoress 10 years, 3 months ago

Doesn't make much sense to check because you can't go 3 streets, but then c/r and still have 2 streets of betting to go in, so now you're still playing a 3 street game except with a bigger pot.

I'd bet the flop.

Deactivated User 10 years, 3 months ago

Check call flop seems good (would not check raise at any point). This is a pretty good flop for him and you will need to check relatively often. This is one of your least vulnerable made hands, so probably better to check AA here and bet hands like JJ/QQ.

When you cbet this board a tough opponent will likely put a lot of pressure on you. Most opponents will have all sets and lots of flush and straight draws. The stack depth allows him to use larger raise sizing and bluff more often, so he can play this range very aggressively against your value c-bet range of mostly overpairs. I prefer checking AA/KK somewhat often at this stack depth on this board.

If flop checks through you can often bet bet for 2 streets on the back end. If he starts betting you have a strong, less vulnerable hand to call down with while evaluating the runout.

deruta 10 years, 2 months ago

a) X/c Flop, x/shove turn when he uses large sizes with polarized hands on relative safe turn card
b) x/c Flop x/c turn and x/evaluate rivers when he uses normal sizes
c) doesen't seem right to give away 160+bb everytime he sees a Flop for 3+7bb just cause is a fd present. When x/r U win 1bet from his air, 1call-raise bet from his weak fd, flip with strong fd, and lose stack when he cracks aces on Flop.

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