NL16z 3b pot 56s
Posted by dm0sky
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Low Stakes
NL16z 3b pot 56s
Blinds: $0.08/$0.16 (6 Players)
BN: $37.54 (Hero)
SB: $11.65
BB: $36.02
UTG: $41.91
MP: $35.43
CO: $16.00
SB: $11.65
BB: $36.02
UTG: $41.91
MP: $35.43
CO: $16.00
Hero is BN with
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do u raise OTR and why?
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You need to bet turn. You hit a gutshot after calling a 3bet IP 225 BBs deep. You'll never win a huge pot if you don't bet turn and all the hands that will call on river, or bet for value, will likely call a standard turn bet.
As played raise that small river bet, fold to a reraise. It's likely KK/QQ vbetting small but if your opponent has AX your probably getting snapped. Either way your line is awkward and in my experience curiosity gets the best of the player pool here and they call frequently.
You can fold this pre vs the giant 3bet. Normal 3betting vs 2.5 opening is like 9 bb but this dude pots it and clicks it a few bbs more, meaning he letting you make the easy play of folding by reraising too big.
Turn bet, river raise for value. Way too obvious he has a medium hand here so raise for value.
Its only a slighly larger 3bet than standard (Standard is 4.4x)... 200bbs deep its a call, its even a call some % 100bb deep.
You've already called his expensive 3bet pre and then he bets 50% on the flop - when you actually do hit your hand you then check!! You just have to bet this turn all day long.
What is your reason for checking? He could be going for a check raise and you end up getting it on turn with the nuts.
At 16z it is really important to extract every ounce of value out of the players who cant fold.
Big bet OTT required imo and raising river
Mandatory TURN bet, it's one of the best cards for our range. If you don't bet top of your range, what are you even betting, IP ?
When we are IP, we are allowed to bet wider flop/turn since we always have the option to X back the next street.
River, mandatory raise. Even the board blocks itself, in a way. He has only 1 combo of A8s, 1 of A7s and 2 combos of A4s. Sets are unlikely since he should bet those on previous streets.
What would the standard turn bet sizing be here? Getting raised would not be the worst thing so would a smaller size be better?
slam pot for max value
Turn is bet for sure. When you call with such combo's you have to be prepared to take aggressive lines the times we don't hit our big hands. In this spot we're going to struggle to win at showdown so our bet will accomplish two things - we either win now, or after betting we hit our equity and can value bet on the river. What's important to note is villain can check call on the turn to bluff catch or allow you to value town yourself, so be fully prepared to make another bet on the river vs the correct villains..
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