NL16 Zoom, 4Bet Pot (Deep), Ugly Texture
Posted by Rick Rath
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Rick Rath
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Low Stakes
NL16 Zoom, 4Bet Pot (Deep), Ugly Texture
Blinds: $0.08/$0.16 (6 Players)
BN: $40.02
SB: $24.96
BB: $23.48
UTG: $40.10
MP: $21.83
CO: $50.95 (Hero)
SB: $24.96
BB: $23.48
UTG: $40.10
MP: $21.83
CO: $50.95 (Hero)
Villain is a regular: 22/18 with a 6% 3b over 700 hands. definitively on the more aggressive side postflop
Hero is CO with
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i made the 4b rather large because of stack depth
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i feel i played this hand rather weak. flop x/c is okish i guess, on the turn i believe he would bet AK but ch back, AA, KK, JTs, QJs, QTs, and JJ, QQ some of the time. on the river is the question if he is value betting KK for this 75% sizing ? or only AA, 2 pair and sets ? you guys see any bluffs on the river ?
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Lots of sets and some AK will take this line. River is a fold to me.
Do you think he has JTs, QJs, QTs in his call 4bet range? If you do, and you discount AA/KK from his range as he'd 5bet pre, then I think you have about 50% equity, maybe more depending on the exact range you put him on for calling a 4bet, especially if you include AA/KK.
The $12 bet into an $18 pot gives you pot odds of 40% so from an equity point of view I think that's a call. If you take JTs, QJs and QTs out of his range then it's tighter.
I think that's right, happy to be corrected on any of it though!
i believe you missread the texture, AK is the nuts on the river ;)
given we are 250bb deep, he could have the suited broadways in his calling range.
also im not sure he would 5b KK, AA probably will 5b sometimes but also flat sometimes.
Dunno what you mean about me misreading it, there's nothing in my post about him bluffing with AK... whistles innocently...!!
So I plugged the cards into equilab, gave Villain a range of JJ+,ATs+,KTs+,QTs+,JTs,AKo, and it gives you equity of 49%, so based on equity that's a call right? Include AQo and it goes up to 53%. If you take out AK as you believe he would have bet the turn then you have almost 65%.
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