NL10z - should i valuebet here?

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NL10z - should i valuebet here?


what do you generally think about this hand, cause i thought that ive played it good but not so sure anymore :-)

Raise on flop mostly for value cause decided that i can get value from one pair kind of hands, and straigt draws with T or 6. Now i see that he will have also some overpairs here... just not sure if he opens AA/KK/QQ 2x PF.....
Turn changes nothing, I still want to get value from one pair + SD hands....
Exactly the same on river, he shouldn't have K, except of KT kind of hand, but it would be very loose open PF.

What do You think?

Posting hands in this format (as a ling) is easy to analyze?


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Deactivated User 5 years, 10 months ago

Easy to misread hands when they're not posted properly.

Nihil22 5 years, 10 months ago

Ive tried to post them as good as I can. Hands from PartyPoker/HM2 are invalid when I try to post them here, so i used weaktight. If you have any ideas how can i do it better, please tell me.

TruthS33ka 5 years, 10 months ago

Weaktight is good for me...
If you want to just make a post better, appearance wise you have post a clickable link (highlight a word than click on the chain icon) or just post a screenshot of the hand

Deactivated User 5 years, 10 months ago

Weaktight kind of blows but it's still better than the other options if you don't have a good HUD in place. Wherever PT4 can be used - Use it.

Speaking of such - anyone have any input as to HM3 Beta? HM2 vs PT4 in general, when it comes to cash games?

belrio42 5 years, 10 months ago

I would check/call river. Consider the range you assigned to Villain when you check/raise flop and barrel turn: draws, overpairs and the occasional one-pair type hand.

Will any worse pair (which is now third pair on the river, or second pair bad kicker on the river) call a river bet? Unlikely. Will draws call the river bet? No. Will overpairs/sets/two pairs/straights? Yes.

So mostly better will call and worse will fold. For a value bet to make money, you need to beat at least 50% of their calling range.

Instead, if you check, you induce villain to bluff with his busted draws, thinking that this is a "scare" card.

aceinthehole 5 years, 10 months ago

Don't raise flop.These connected boards play differently, especially vs a tight UTG range.You can't xr tp here and even xr with 2pair is questionable.Any Tx hand has 45%+ equity against your tp, any Jx has 35%+ and you're playing oop.

Nihil22 5 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, generally it makes sense. Just wondering if open 2 x BB can change it. Cause I generally assume that 2 x BB open from UTG is kinda wide and in this hand Tx and 6x is a lot in range of the villain.

kiitmo 5 years, 10 months ago

Hey Nihil22, I think the flop is a little thin for xr. When you raise 50 over 14 into a pot of 59 he only needs 24% equity to call. (36/(109+36)) I think you get floated by a lot of overs on this flop against the population as well as any hand better than yours. Maybe you get some extra value from A8-A6, but those hands that are betting flop will likely bet turn especially on a brick like 3d. Additionally, if you xr this top pair, your calling range is gonna be weak.

As played turn is fine, river is definitely a x decide, for the same reason the xr flop is not good. Not much worse will call. The other range is gonna have all the over pairs, and some 10x like KT that flopped open ended and rivered a K. The K is not good for your range and should be checked.

Also the website is fine, that dude is a troll.

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