NL10z KK facing post flop aggression
Posted by Evrylord
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Low Stakes
NL10z KK facing post flop aggression
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $20.65
SB: $10.85
BB: $10.85
UTG: $11.19
MP: $10.18 (Hero)
CO: $7.29
SB: $10.85
BB: $10.85
UTG: $11.19
MP: $10.18 (Hero)
CO: $7.29
Hero is MP with
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Final Pot
BB wins $5.09
Rake is $0.24
Rake is $0.24
Vilain is 22/18/7,8 after 200 hands.Other stats are irrelevant with this sample imo. Not sure if this hand was played well.
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Checking this flop back with AA/KK at some frequency is quite reasonable given you wont be able to get 3 streets of value anyways. As played, villains line looks super strong so would be happy to fold this river and call with your other sets and straights. Also, a lot of people will hesitate to pull the trigger on a 3barrel bluff in this spot so I'd also consider villain's timing, river bet frequency, WWSF and W$SD when facing this line.
What about the flop sizing from hero? I think it is too small. I would prefer a big bet here.
i guess vs most of the population this line is fine. agreed with slightly bigger flop sizing.
I would rather open bigger pre than cbet bigger flop.
OTT villain can value bet worse hands (QQ-TT,A9) and also have some bluffs. On this river card he is not value betting worse and we have a decent amount of Ax flush draws, so villain would value bet here at least the bottom two pair,so I would start calling here something like Ac4c.
Btw on which river card would you make a call?
Personally on K,6,5,4 rivers, about the rest I don't have enough confidence that villain can value bet worse hands.
I would probably call on any K, Q, J, 10, 6, 5, 4 with no club. On this flop i like to use small sizing with high frequency but not sure if this is good strategy for this limit.
Not sure which worse hands can he value bet on T,J,Q river. Probably on T river he can value bet JJ. And maybe AJ and AQ on a J and Q rivers, but I am not sure if he is raising those hands, but yeah, think on every non-club T,J,Q river, we can probably make a call, just because we trust enough that he is able to raise flop with some Qx or Jx and also that he is able to bet those hands OTR for a value.
Depends on BB xr range we can probable fold flop sometimes.
I would probably explo fold OTF too.
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