NL10z KK facing post flop aggression

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NL10z KK facing post flop aggression

Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players) BN: $20.65
SB: $10.85
BB: $10.85
UTG: $11.19
MP: $10.18 (Hero)
CO: $7.29
Preflop ($0.15) Hero is MP with K K
UTG folds, Hero raises to $0.24, 3 folds, BB calls $0.14
Flop ($0.53) 6 9 5
BB checks, Hero bets $0.20, BB raises to $0.90, Hero calls $0.70
Turn ($2.33) 6 9 5 4
BB bets $1.50, Hero calls $1.50
River ($5.33) 6 9 5 4 A
BB bets $4.00, Hero folds
Final Pot BB wins $5.09
Rake is $0.24

Vilain is 22/18/7,8 after 200 hands.Other stats are irrelevant with this sample imo. Not sure if this hand was played well.


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frontdoorbackdoor 6 years, 5 months ago

Checking this flop back with AA/KK at some frequency is quite reasonable given you wont be able to get 3 streets of value anyways. As played, villains line looks super strong so would be happy to fold this river and call with your other sets and straights. Also, a lot of people will hesitate to pull the trigger on a 3barrel bluff in this spot so I'd also consider villain's timing, river bet frequency, WWSF and W$SD when facing this line.

MatoStar 6 years, 5 months ago

I would rather open bigger pre than cbet bigger flop.
OTT villain can value bet worse hands (QQ-TT,A9) and also have some bluffs. On this river card he is not value betting worse and we have a decent amount of Ax flush draws, so villain would value bet here at least the bottom two pair,so I would start calling here something like Ac4c.

Btw on which river card would you make a call?
Personally on K,6,5,4 rivers, about the rest I don't have enough confidence that villain can value bet worse hands.

Evrylord 6 years, 5 months ago

I would probably call on any K, Q, J, 10, 6, 5, 4 with no club. On this flop i like to use small sizing with high frequency but not sure if this is good strategy for this limit.

MatoStar 6 years, 5 months ago

Not sure which worse hands can he value bet on T,J,Q river. Probably on T river he can value bet JJ. And maybe AJ and AQ on a J and Q rivers, but I am not sure if he is raising those hands, but yeah, think on every non-club T,J,Q river, we can probably make a call, just because we trust enough that he is able to raise flop with some Qx or Jx and also that he is able to bet those hands OTR for a value.

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