NL10z. Cold 4B from SB, Postflop action
Posted by pokernemo10
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Low Stakes
NL10z. Cold 4B from SB, Postflop action
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $36.98
SB: $11.35 (Hero)
BB: $10.00
UTG: $33.86
MP: $11.07
CO: $13.70
SB: $11.35 (Hero)
BB: $10.00
UTG: $33.86
MP: $11.07
CO: $13.70
Hero is SB with
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What should i do OTF?
Probably should just bet bigger and Get it in? As a low sizing doesn't make much sense.
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BTN's almost 400bb's deep. Do you have any hud stats and/or reads on him?
He had a 3B of 10 overall. Type of player that would 3B bluff some hands BU vs CO
I gave him this range that flats 3B: QQ-TT,ATs+,KTs+,QTs+,JTs
vs this range OTF i have 48, 83%. Does this in theory means that he has range advantage and i have to check here? Is x/shove an option here?
This is actually a pretty interesting hand. Don't entirely rule out v calling the 4b IP with AA and KK some fraction of the time, as well.
This depends on what ranges you use to cold 4bet here. With the ranges I use I have 61% otf and I gaved villan TT-QQ, ATs+,KTs+,QJs,JTs, 2 combos of AA, 2 combos of KK and some AK combos. If we give him a tighter range of TT-QQ/QJs/KQs/AJs/AQs and some combos of AK/AA/KK we still have 54%. Our advantage mainly comes from the AQ combos, because we have all of them and villan only has the suited combos.
I think I still like the small cbet, because I think is the better option simply because I dont know what to do when I check, but when he raises I think I'm folding because we are in the bottom of our range.
So Cb small/fold. It's really hard vs such a small raise. We need 17% EQ.
If he raises here w/ JJ-TT, AQs, and only AJdd and QJdd we have 19%.
If we give him all 2 pairs then we have 24%
Yeah, but you didnt called, you raised and I see no other option but shove with low spr.
this line looks perfectly fine to me and i wouldnt waste time trying to find another line
spr is so low you just get it on flop or turn anyway
It is a horrid board but we do unblock diamond draws so I guess it is perfectly fine. With you having different suits, this spot would become more challenging (by this I mean when we have the Ad, etc.)
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