NL10z - bluff with FD, makes sense?

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NL10z - bluff with FD, makes sense?


what do You think about this hand? I didnt have any stats on the villain, but i remembered him from the last couple hands and he seems to be quite loose and active, i assumed that PF he opens very wide, even for CO seat.


On flop i was considering check-call and check-raise. Decided to check-call with intention of check-raising the turn, cause I thouhgt that it would look stronger. On the river straits complete (T9) and they are easily in my range, just like sets and two pairs. Thats why i decided to shove, hoping him to fold AA, KK, Qx.
What do You think about this play in general ?
Its better to check-raise turn or check-raise flop ?
KTs is good here or T9s or JTs (FD + gutshot) would be better to do it?
Should I be worried by his sizing on turn? Kinda stron?

Thanks for opinions !


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KatonBond 5 years, 10 months ago

I would strongly lean towards a flop raise with your hand because you turn addtional equity (a straight draw) on many turns, ( 9 J A)

Turn , here with many combo draws available i would just call your hand.

River as played I know the T blocks the straight but the Kc makes your hand significantly worse so I believe giving up would have higher EV

Erdis 5 years, 10 months ago

In general, It's difficult to bluff a FD that miss I think. And in NL10 vilain will rarely fold an overpair on that board. You can have T9 on 2 pairs but they won't fold so I won't bluff river. GU and next hand.

Raising flop is an idea but you have to pick your bluff since you won't have that much nuts here. I won't pick KTc because hitting a pair will often be good. I'd rather bluff some weak hand like GS (T9dd,JTdd; T9cc, JTcc) and some offsuit with 1 club (AcX, KcX)

akissv7 5 years, 10 months ago

Think check raising turn is overambitious villain bet 1/2 pot on flop and he bets 2/3 pot on turn so most villain will have something here.
Same here would give up you block flush draws and yes you block also T9 but besides top pair top kicker or better villain cant have many hands that played like this. Most villain will not fold to a river bet when they have an over pair and perhaps not even when they have top pair top kicker when a missed flush draw could be betting here. Besides that there are also sets available and still some T9 to consider all in all not enough fold equity.

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