NL10z AKo in 3-bet pot oop
Posted by whiteshark
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Low Stakes
NL10z AKo in 3-bet pot oop
Pre-flop: I am most interested in your pre-fop strategy here. In general, my current way to go when getting 3-bet with AK from EP or MP is to play 4-bet/fold, as I do think I'm comfortably ahead of the 3-bettors in position calling range but behind against the shoving range. In this particular hand, the 3-bet was quite massive (almost 5x), so I went for a call. Agreed?
Flop: I'm defening this with 6 outs to TPTK and the BDFD, right?
Turn: Easy fold, right?
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I guess vs this sizing pre i would be jamming straight away. Its kind of tricky to realize our equity given the SPR on the flop and beeing oop.
As played: flop/turn looks fine
RaoulFlush this makes perfect sense to me. What's your approach vs. standard size 3-bets, e.g. 3x?
Beeing 120-150bb deep AKo becomes kind of a nightmare in this spot :)
For 100BB i would be jamming as well beside some KK-combos.
Beeing deeper i guess flatting will be a decent option....
But given this stackdepth....
Not quite sure tbh: maybe still jamming 120BB and more flatting for a bigger stack....
I dont like idea of having there calling to almost 5x 3bet IP. In general you should call less against bigger sizing, so I would probably limit my decision with everything to 4bet or fold.
You are also 120bb deep so I dont mind playing 4bet/fold with AK(or call depending on limited informations about player you have).
I'm also in the 4bet/fold camp. As played fold turn seems standard
Any notes on how often Villain is 3-betting MP opens from BTN? I think how we play this post-flop may need to consider how often they are hitting this flop with overcards instead of PPs.
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