Nl10z 3bet Flop decision
Posted by Kruzer20
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Low Stakes
Nl10z 3bet Flop decision
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $11.22
SB: $25.96
BB: $10.73
UTG: $18.32
MP: $11.58 (Hero)
CO: $26.24
SB: $25.96
BB: $10.73
UTG: $18.32
MP: $11.58 (Hero)
CO: $26.24
Hero is MP with
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Final Pot
wins and shows a flush, King high.
MP lost and shows a pair of Aces.
UTG wins $22.26
Rake is $1.05
MP lost and shows a pair of Aces.
UTG wins $22.26
Rake is $1.05
My question is should i call or shove this flop?I think i auto piloted a bit because usually i shouldnt shove if i have nut flush blocker in my hand.What would u do,what if i had more vournable overpair,what if i had AA without flush blocker?Now when i see it i think i should of called with this particular combo and then folded turn because pretty much all his QJs and flushes improved...maybe call if he gives me good price.
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Or you should fold or x back otf or bet 1/4 pot.
I would call his raise since we block the nut FD. Without the Ace of spade I would shove IF and only if I'm sure the Vilain can that aggro and tricky. Because most of the time they just have TT. Your play is ok I think
can't fold anyway, calling is probably higher EV(but not a ton). Or vs some weak players(tend to overvalue hands and not bluff that much) shoving is performing good too.
if i called how would u play on this turn 8s even tho we have nut flush blocker i dont see any bluffs that missed here,as for example people dont raise backdoor diamonds on NL10
I think you can either jam here or flat and jam on the turn, as long as you don't let them realise all of their equity for free with their draws you're fine, at this kind of SPR the money is going in it's just a matter of when. I can think of reasonable arguments for putting it in on the flop or the turn (essentially the turn lets them realise some of their equity now for free but offers them a horrible price on the river whereas the flop jam just gives them the right price although it does get their stack in immediately) and I'm not sure it matters all that much, personally prefer the turn because then we're essentially giving them 3 to 1 odds but with only one card to come so they have to just fold out their equity which is more of a win than just getting their money in if they're getting odds. If the turn is a spade or an 8 you're in a weird spot because half of the obvious draws completed, personally I'd call off on an 8 because only 4 combos of QJs and fold a spade even though we have the ace of spades because I don't think any1 at 10nl has any bluffs except open enders and flush draws on the flop so we are just crushed on a spade turn because they have loads of value and 3combos of QJs to bluff with. Jamming turn does mean that on exactly that turn card you have a very easy fold as everything gets there.
I like your line. You both block and unblock his best bluff (QJss). You have no blocking effect on his straight draws but you do block flush completion. KsKx would probably be better to play slower since you block the same amount of flushes but now you also block straights. TBH I don't know if I want to slow play that either when I can get money in good against his draws, QQ and even AJ sometimes and start facing tough decisions on a multitude of bad turns.
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