nl100z bluffcatching in non optimal pot
Posted by Jeff_
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Low Stakes
nl100z bluffcatching in non optimal pot
Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players)
BN: $100.00 (Hero)
SB: $98.50
BB: $138.62
UTG: $350.68
MP: $91.38
CO: $299.89
SB: $98.50
BB: $138.62
UTG: $350.68
MP: $91.38
CO: $299.89
Hero is BN with
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34/19 weak player w 4% 3bet 40% fold vs cbet and 2nd x/r over 100 hands. Looks bit passive postflop
Flop - having top kicker I'm betting for value, villain should have a lot of draws/equity. x/R probably AJ+ for value and T9,QT,diamonds as bluff
Turn - not excited but seems like vs that size not much else I can do
River - very good pot odds, but he is somewhat passive and this sizing mostly used as value/thin valuebet
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Think I have said this before against passive players I dont like calling off as they mostly bet for value. Would call on flop and perhaps on turn but would highly consider folding even if the odds are good.
Think one also should consider your own image / stats as that will prob impact the villains decision also.
I think he is doing something stupid with Jx, and if he was bluffing he would bet bigger OTR so i would exploit fold.
SB flatting ranges usually contain offsuit broadways, suited connectors and pocket pairs.
I think OTF, checking middle pair is better. I would be inclined to bet bottom pair more than middle pair (for equity denial/value). Betting middle pair runs into this exact problem: what to do if you get raised?
As played, I would look to fold somewhere along the line. It's close though, since second pair top kicker without a diamond is kind of the best bluff-catcher among the middling hands. He's giving you a very good price. It is kind of suspicious. But still, pot odds are pot odds.
The value range would be AJ, KJ, QJ, maybe JT, as well as sets (88/33) and the one combo of J8s.
The bluffs are T9s and some suited connectors, together with random bluffs.
Depending on his bluffs, you probably have 20% equity or so. So it's close. Still, against a passive player, it's better to fold.
Yeah on this flop, I prefer somewhat polar approach, however A8 is kinda too strong to be always checking(vs recs), I agree that we won't have 2 streets for value but many good things can happen on the turn or river (as well as having 8x in my betting range is nice)
For me turn is a clear fold. What hands are you folding on the turn if not this? As exploit I would
Probably be folding flop as well. Particularly as you have diamonds in your range as well.
folding turn : any heart backdoor draw,T7,97 type of stuff, TT-99 and A8hh,K8hh,89hh.....
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