NL100::KK in 3b pot vs turn minraise

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NL100::KK in 3b pot vs turn minraise

HJ: $71.48
CO: $102.50
BN: $108.16
SB: $110.83
BB: $204.02 (Hero)
UTG: $73.50
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt K K
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, BN calls $1, SB folds, Hero raises to $5, BN calls $5
Flop ($12.50) 3 6 T (2 Players)
Hero bets $7.50, BN calls $7.50
Turn ($27.50) 3 6 T 5 (2 Players)
Hero bets $16.50, BN raises to $33, Hero raises to $174.02, and is all in, BN raises to $61.66, and is all in
River ($312.68) 3 6 T 5 3 (2 Players)
Final Pot

i feel like im always getting owned by minraisers, such that im beginning to suspect that if i folded to turn minraises 100% of the time, my winrate would go up by at least 1-2BB/100, even if i ended up folding the best hand a significant minority of the time.

villain is 46/12/1 over a small sample size.

i decided to shove because ... if villain thinks his AT is the nuts here, then any overcard, and possibly any 2, 4, or 7 is going to cause me to lose action on the river. thats a lot of cards.

is a better play here to call the minraise on the turn, chk+call riv?

or maybe calling the turn and making a smallish blocking-bet on the river [with the intention of folding to a raise]?

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