NL100 ZOOM - line check squeezed pot
Posted by Hova
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Low Stakes
NL100 ZOOM - line check squeezed pot
BN: $101.50
SB: $195.48 (Hero)
BB: $100
UTG: $189.36
HJ: $113.59
CO: $380.49
SB: $195.48 (Hero)
BB: $100
UTG: $189.36
HJ: $113.59
CO: $380.49
HJ over 100 hands is playing 18/17 but has Rfi stat 38% from HIJ with 100% ft3b so far.
CO is loose reg 27/21/9% 3b and 80% fold to 3b. (305 hands)
CO is loose reg 27/21/9% 3b and 80% fold to 3b. (305 hands)
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, HJ raises to $3, CO calls $3, BN folds, Hero raises to $12.50, BB folds, HJ folds, CO calls $9.50
UTG folds, HJ raises to $3, CO calls $3, BN folds, Hero raises to $12.50, BB folds, HJ folds, CO calls $9.50
100bb I think its pretty much perfect squeeze spot. Do we still like it when CO is deep with us?
(2 Players)
Hero checks,
CO checks
Since he folds to 3b so much I thought his range was most likely PP's, maybe some SC's 78s+, ATs+.
Flop seems standard check planning to x/c.
Flop seems standard check planning to x/c.
(2 Players)
Hero checks,
CO bets $18.35,
Hero folds
Not the best card for us given the range we assigned him. Standard x/f ?
Final Pot
wins $27.70
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Squeeze is fine give pre-flop fold equity, but make it bigger next time. You'd normally go 10.5 against one player, so just add the amount of the flatter, so 13.5.
Given that the most likely player to continue is the CO, whom you are nearly 200BB deep against, you should squeeze bigger than your regular size.
Flop checks looks good. Not sure he raises the flop too often, but you'll get floated by any weak draw or overs a lot, and it's hard to go from there. Sucks you don't have any blockers to his gutshots etc., but bet-calling puts you in tougher spots than check-calling.
Do you have more reads on CO? Does he stab any draw here once you check? If he does, then he won't hit the T super often, but if he checks back some hands like QTs, you're in trouble.
It is pretty gross, but I like your folds. Versus any gutshot, flush draw, overs you are not ahead by much, and he has a ton of cards to bluff on.
Check-calling is worst imo, check-raising makes little sense, so it's bet-fold or check-fold.
I think checking is best, hoping to get to showdown. And just fold once he bets the turn.
I'd call the turn. You're getting a decent price and a bunch of his 10x (not that he's gonna have tons) bet the flop. Anything better than 10x almost always bets the flop too.
I didn't feel like I could call the river profitably as well though. Do you think he's giving up enough considering how weak we look?
c/shove river if you think you can't call river, how often does he have a value hand that he plays it this way?
Yeah but in this spot I can't think of any hands I call turn and river with once checking twice so I will likely get barrelled a bunch.
like if my whole range is x/c'n once and folding river I feel like I should make it as small as possible? so like maybe AJo,J8s, Q9s stuff because at least they have outs? idk
It`s not a perfect squeeze spot due to stacks depth, otherwise it would be :).I like how you played the rest of the hand.
Definitly if you dont feel confy continuing with ur hand better fold on the earlier streets to avoid tough decisions on the river
I dont think that he expects you to just c/f on a low semiconnected Flop. You rep the usual AJ+, 9x, 8x.. so i think he just tries to realize his equity or bluff some runouts. You do get a decent price on the turn but its a card that improves a big part of his flatting range JT QT AT 9T 67 QJ.. so he def has a good amount of valuecombos and can bluff accordingly + he basically can u bluff u on most rivers since your range is capped.
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