NL100 turn decision in 3bet pot
Posted by Gofa
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NL100 turn decision in 3bet pot
UTG: $45
LJ: $100.35
HJ: $100
CO: $143.51 (Hero)
BN: $151.82
SB: $71.32
BB: $135.01
LJ: $100.35
HJ: $100
CO: $143.51 (Hero)
BN: $151.82
SB: $71.32
BB: $135.01
Villain is a pretty normal reg over 600 hands (16/14/4). Dont have any special reads so far.
(7 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, LJ folds, HJ folds, Hero raises to $2.62, BN folds, SB folds, BB raises to $8, Hero calls $6.38
UTG folds, LJ folds, HJ folds, Hero raises to $2.62, BN folds, SB folds, BB raises to $8, Hero calls $6.38
think there is nothing really to say here. We are 135BB deep effective and I can call for set value ip against a player with an I guess reasonable strong 3betting range. Range should be something like TT+,AQs+ and some few combos of SCs or small pockets
(2 Players)
BB bets $9.75,
Hero calls $9.75
Just one strong draw possible here. Think calling is best, especially since I dont have any rasing range here pretty much. Since I dont have more infos, I assume he is betting 100% of his range on that flop.
(2 Players)
BB bets $25,
Hero raises to $124.76,
BB folds
Now this is where it gets interessting for me. I dont see him having total air (just based on generel observations and tendencies of 2nd barrels). Furthermore, I would lower the chances of him having the top hands of his range, regarding he is leaving himself a more than potsize bet for the river with his turn betsizing. Some people dont pay attention to the pot growth with their bluffs.
I see him double barreling QQ+, AK, AhQh and a rare heart SC definetly, TT/JJ maybe. I am allmost 88% favorite against that range.
The obv advantage of calling is, that I can keep his range wide as possible and I will be able to get the money in on the river pretty easyly regarding the spr.
The obv disadvantage of calling is that he might realise equity on the river that he might have foldet out to a turn shove.
I am just thinking about hands like TT-QQ here and I would like to get some oppinions on what villain is likely to to (or what would you do in his spot). would you rather call a turn shove because Hero does have some semibluffs in his range or would you more c/c a blank river to catch those?
Do you see him folding AK,AA to a turn shove?
Additionally, any heart river might kill action sometimes. Do you see him barreling blank river with his busted draws?
Weighting all those things, I personally pref the call on the turn. What do you think?
I see him double barreling QQ+, AK, AhQh and a rare heart SC definetly, TT/JJ maybe. I am allmost 88% favorite against that range.
The obv advantage of calling is, that I can keep his range wide as possible and I will be able to get the money in on the river pretty easyly regarding the spr.
The obv disadvantage of calling is that he might realise equity on the river that he might have foldet out to a turn shove.
I am just thinking about hands like TT-QQ here and I would like to get some oppinions on what villain is likely to to (or what would you do in his spot). would you rather call a turn shove because Hero does have some semibluffs in his range or would you more c/c a blank river to catch those?
Do you see him folding AK,AA to a turn shove?
Additionally, any heart river might kill action sometimes. Do you see him barreling blank river with his busted draws?
Weighting all those things, I personally pref the call on the turn. What do you think?
Final Pot
wins $84
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I prefer a turn call as well. If you raise you fold out a lot of villain's range that will bet again on the river, or x/c the river. Hands like JJ, QQ, maybe AK. I'm not too worried about draws - there's not that many in villain's range, and villain's equity with them isn't as good as he might think, since if the board pairs as well as completing the flush it will give you a boat/quads.
Without even going any further i would call again on the turn. You strengthen your calling range, you pick up bluffs from his triple barrels (which should be high frequency given this texture). Although i understand you want to 'protect' given there are two flush draws. The amount of actual combos there are is discounted. Even if the draws come in he may still be inclined to check/call with his AA/AK etc hands given how big the pot will be.
Only if i 'knew' villain was strong and not folding would i just stick it in on the turn
I´d call the turn and shove the river.
ye.. I call the the turn.. especially in a 3bet pot.. u are able to get it in on the river anyway..
Wouldn't call someone who plays 16/14 a standard reg. His 3-bet sizing is also too small, given the stack depth.
Pre-flop looks good. Plenty deep, and he doesn't 3-bet very much, so his range is very strong.
Flop looks good too. There aren't many hands you'd want to raise on this flop, so you should call with your sets to protect and balance your calling range. This is how you'd play any PP, FD, KQ etc.
Shoving turn is best. There are a ton of (combo)draws in your range that don't want to call and see a brick, and you get folds out of hands worse than Kx.
It also gets you max value, since there are a lot of river cards that might scare Villian. If a Qh rivers, he might find a fold with a hand like AK no heart, but he won't fold to your jams, given that your turn jamming range is draw heavy.
Thx for all the replies so far!
@ SCS & Daz: I am not really worried to much about his draws. As given in my range I just see a few combos. I am more thinking about my percieved range wich includes a lot more draws.
@ Chael Sonnen: Why isnt a 16/14 a standard reg? Its Fullring in case you didnt noticed (althought its just 7 handed in that moment). Your argument for shoving the turn is exactly what I meant, still think its close.
Would love to hear some opinions of your play in villains position with certain hands!
Thanks a lot again!
I'm trying to remain balanced so that i have some strong hands on brick rivers. On Axx and Kxx boards villains 3bet range will have a lot more hands able to call your semi-bluff.
In practive how often are you shoving the turn as a semi-bluff?
call turn is better ,your shove here is super strong (125bb shove )if he think you dont shove here some draw hands like AhXh,QhJh,KcQc than he can fold AK and this isnt what you want.
@ Daz: Yeah you are prob. right, I wont be shoving too many draws on the turn with that much stack behind. Obv. its more important what he is guessing how much I am shoving with draws, but I think he doesn´t see me shoving too much with draws there so he might find a fold with a decend made hand.
thx again everybody!
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