NL100 QQ vs tight reg 445 flop raise/reraise, turn 4 1/2bet

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NL100 QQ vs tight reg 445 flop raise/reraise, turn 4 1/2bet

Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players) BN: $144.61 (Hero)
SB: $100.00
BB: $225.08
UTG: $101.23
MP: $102.86
CO: $103.68
CO: 15/12/27/59/50/1k (vpip/pfr/wts/w$sd/wwsf/hands);
AFq: 44/41/35;
rf 17
cbet 58/48/41
fold to raise 29(7)/0(2)

SB/BB regs with SQZ 9-11%

Preflop ($1.50) Hero is BN with Q Q
2 folds, CO raises to $3.00, Hero calls $3.00, 2 folds
I decided call since SB/BB regs with SQZ 9-11%
Flop ($7.50) 5 5 4
CO bets $4.58, Hero raises to $14.00, CO raises to $31.93, Hero calls $17.93
I have value on this board he will call with all pairs 66-JJ and sometimes with Ax. But he make reraise, I din't belive in 55/44, and a lot of 5x hands in his range. So it is or bluff 76s or value from 88-JJ or AA-KK and I am dead.
Turn ($71.36) 5 5 4 4
CO bets $34.96, Hero raises to $109.68 and is all in, CO calls $33.79 and is all in
He bet I will not fold any way and he will have 34$ on river without FE and I decided push. Or I can call and call or push river? I don't know why he bet 1/2 when he have comportable push, it looks strange.
River ($249.79) 5 5 4 4 8
Final Pot BN wins and shows two pair, Queens and Fives.
CO lost and shows two pair, Fives and Fours.
BN wins $206.06
Rake is $2.80


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kevson180 9 years, 8 months ago

In this hand reads are very important I would say, because this is not a typical spot. with rfi of 17% he only have A5,A4 (even if) and AA/KK/55/44. That's not a lot of combos. If villain also plays 88-JJ like this, it's an easy shove for villain. That would makes sense because your hand is totally underrepped. But on the other side, Villain is a nitty nit and maybe even doesn't care about your range and plays his AA like it's always the nuts.

Tough spot, given the fact your hand is underrepped and villain only have a 5 like 1/10th of the time, I would play for stacks.

Btw, I can't believe there are still people playing 15/12 on nl100 and be obvs even b/e :@

conoval 9 years, 8 months ago

I have the same thoughts, he is nit, he win 59 SD, but QQ is too strong for me. After all comments I will show hand and it is unbelievable.

jonte89 9 years, 8 months ago

Just dont like your raise on the flop.

conoval 9 years, 8 months ago

Why? 66-JJ/Ax call and he do not believe in 5x/44 or QQ-AA. My hand is air for him. And he doesn't fold to raise in general. Or you think he will 3pl barrel air? So call/call/push or call/call/call?

jonte89 9 years, 8 months ago

Just think is is more value of calling and let him barrel of w his air to. Just my thoughts..

conoval 9 years, 8 months ago

I think he will not too much barrel on this board, since he have more broadway card and high connectors(QT/JT) that miss this flop. Sometimes he will ch/cl Ax and 22-33. What he will barrel 76, 98? Will he barrel QT/JT? I don't think so.

thehacker0 9 years, 8 months ago

By raising the flop, you fold out the hands you beat, and get 3bet by hands which crush you. I dislike your play on every street.

raise preflop
call flop
as played i'm probably folding to flop 3bet. It looks very strong. I don't see anyone but an INSANE lagtard 3betting JJ here. Its 5x more than AA/KK here, but you are still crushed without insane reads on villain

conoval 9 years, 8 months ago

SB and BB agro regs with great SQZ, so my call pre is good enough. Also sometimes he will call AA/KK/5x/44, since he afraid only 8 and 3 on turn/river. so I am not sure that his reraise have a great power.

What I am thinking now is call/call/call or call/call/push can be better line. Can I push QQ on river if he bet 3 barrels?

LuckyMer 9 years, 8 months ago

No, pushing QQ on blank runouts is bad. It is turning QQ into a bluff - cause even w KK-AA it is not an easy B-B-BC on 554-4-(2/3/6/7/8/9/T/J/Q/K).

Raising flop here is good only in inducing spazzez, but villain has to be aggro (with average to high AF and WWSF).

conoval 9 years, 8 months ago

So call/call/call with QQ and it's all? I saw this move with 88/ but positions were BBvsBTN on same board. I mean BB ch/raise flop, then bet blank turn and ch/ch on K river, BTN show some Ax or weak pair, I don't remember. In wide ranges is it ok with 88-JJ?

Marrek 9 years, 8 months ago

i would rather have AA here to be raising and jamming vs this guy. he has very little 5x combos, but when he puts his whole stack in, the likely hood of him having them goes WAAAYYYY up. I think he plays AA and KK this way too. prob not JJ/TT, so i don't like being here so much.

Just call down and bet when x'd to.

conoval 9 years, 8 months ago

As I said " After all comments I will show hand and it is unbelievable." Villain show AJo, crazy man. This read, so next time with him can I do the same? What this read give me?

Marrek 9 years, 8 months ago

The read is that's he's very aggro when you rep a very small range and he's willing to bluff shove over multiple streets. He thought " he never goes crazy with 88, always 3bets 99+, has too few 5x hands, so he's bluffing most of the time"

Don't expect to have FE if you raise him when there's lots of draws out there, but do expect to get bluff raised and re-raised alot.

you can x/r and stack off with tpgk on wet flops, but don't do the shoving, size it so that he thinks he has lots of FE, if you can.

taaazz 9 years, 8 months ago

My default would be to just call down (he can still overplay KK+), but I don't mind expanding the raising range either. I'm just not sure if it's the right play vs such a nit.

One thing to keep in mind is that most people bet/call their nut hands on this runout, so that makes his flop 3b range more bluff heavy (which is why I like your line as played - we could also just flat the turn and call any R, just to leave him some rope)

So, yeah, I like it as played, but I would just calldown, readless.

Slava Brat 9 years, 8 months ago

Its tough with QQ here. Both lines have their benefits. Since you slowplayed preflop, you shifted your overall range little bit to the stronger side. He needs to call your raises a lot since on a board like this his betting range has an advantage (you rarely coldcall A5s here and 55-44 not a big portion of your range). You also dont mind protection with your hand. Problem is, you are still losing to hands mentioned above and KK-AA with deep stack-to-pot ratio. It might even not be relevant that you caught his bluff, since he wins money with overall strategy of jamming strong hands + some bluffs here. But again, you are probably making up for it with chance that he makes a mistake overbluffing and/or calling too loose to your raise. Dont know. If it was a 3bet pot it would be easier to commit stacks with QQ.

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