NL100 QQ ip vs 3bet 175deep
Posted by thedoors
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NL100 QQ ip vs 3bet 175deep
UTG: $103.28
HJ: $175.90 (Hero)
CO: $112.62
BN: $101.50
SB: $189.90
BB: $29.05
HJ: $175.90 (Hero)
CO: $112.62
BN: $101.50
SB: $189.90
BB: $29.05
Sb : good agro reg, plays nl100/200, he folds a lot to 4bet
his stats 22/19/7% 3betoverall, 8% SB
CB 69% flop, 51% turn, WTSD 41%, agresson factors 48% 37% 29%
i m not sure about all streets :=)
his stats 22/19/7% 3betoverall, 8% SB
CB 69% flop, 51% turn, WTSD 41%, agresson factors 48% 37% 29%
i m not sure about all streets :=)
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, Hero raises to $3.50, CO folds, BN folds, SB raises to $11.50, BB folds, Hero calls $8.50
UTG folds, Hero raises to $3.50, CO folds, BN folds, SB raises to $11.50, BB folds, Hero calls $8.50
he 3bets a lot so im ahead BUT
we are deep
we have position
he folds a lot to 4bet, i dont know what to do deep vs a 5bet
so i think best option is to call
we are deep
we have position
he folds a lot to 4bet, i dont know what to do deep vs a 5bet
so i think best option is to call
(2 Players)
SB bets $12.50,
Hero calls $12.50
bad flop to CB but he CB 70% so i epect him to CB it wih air too, dont want to raise because dont know what to do vs a 3bet this deep with only overpaire QQ
(2 Players)
SB checks,
Hero bets $33,
SB calls $33
i expect him to continue with his value range because we are deep so i expect him to X/F
i size to be able to shove river but i dont know what to do vs a X/R
i size to be able to shove river but i dont know what to do vs a X/R
(2 Players)
SB checks,
Hero bets $118.40
thanks for opinion on all streets and betsizing
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i thought that if i were bluffing river i would shove, and 1/2 is more transparent, because hes a good reg i tryed to play my value range exactly like my bluffing range (not big turn and pot river)
if you like my turn play what would you doi vs a raise?
OTR I think its partly due to a bet sizing error OTT. When your playing 130bb+ deep you really really need to think about what your river plan and ranges are esp as the spr is significantly different then what you are used to. I think here you put max pressure OTT with a larger bet size and you also set up the river for a more optimal shove. With the sizing you did you let him draw cheaper then also set up the river so that you can not really be bluffing enough to justify a river shove seeing as its a bit of an overbet. I can t quite work out exactly what is optimal for you due to not knowing your range however if you post up whatever hands your getting to the turn with I can help to work out a near optimal plan. I feel that it definitely involves a larger turn bet setting up a smaller river shove.
If he does crai this is pretty sick. Not sure what is best but idk calling it off with this hand can t be that bad. Your pretty alive when behind and he can c/r AxAh, KxKh and sometimes an ambitious bluff with Ah.
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