NL100 QQ ip vs 3bet 175deep

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NL100 QQ ip vs 3bet 175deep

UTG: $103.28
HJ: $175.90 (Hero)
CO: $112.62
BN: $101.50
SB: $189.90
BB: $29.05
Sb : good agro reg, plays nl100/200, he folds a lot to 4bet
his stats 22/19/7% 3betoverall, 8% SB
CB 69% flop, 51% turn, WTSD 41%, agresson factors 48% 37% 29%

i m not sure about all streets :=)
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt Q Q
UTG folds, Hero raises to $3.50, CO folds, BN folds, SB raises to $11.50, BB folds, Hero calls $8.50
he 3bets a lot so im ahead BUT
we are deep
we have position
he folds a lot to 4bet, i dont know what to do deep vs a 5bet
so i think best option is to call
Flop ($25.00) 4 8 7 (2 Players)
SB bets $12.50, Hero calls $12.50
bad flop to CB but he CB 70% so i epect him to CB it wih air too, dont want to raise because dont know what to do vs a 3bet this deep with only overpaire QQ
Turn ($50.00) Q (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero bets $33, SB calls $33
i expect him to continue with his value range because we are deep so i expect him to X/F
i size to be able to shove river but i dont know what to do vs a X/R
River ($116.00) 4 (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero bets $118.40
his range is weak but i hope he can trap with flush so i pot size, maybe its horrible because i have no bluffin my range

thanks for opinion on all streets and betsizing


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WM2K 12 years, 1 month ago
Preflop I agree. Anything but call flop is pretty nuts. Good job binking the turn! :D I think I d bet a bit bigger OTT. Most of your value is going to be there and if you are bluffing you have enough stack that you can really leverage some serious threats. OTR Agreed that bombing it isnt best. He most likely has some kind of bluff catcher so unless your showing up here with Ahx your unlikely to have enough bluffs and its a easy fold with AA here. I d half pot it or so. He s just so likely to have 1 pair and this is the illest size for targeting that hand.
thedoors 12 years, 1 month ago
i did not undestand , do you say call flop is a bad play?
i thought that if i were bluffing river i would shove, and 1/2 is more transparent, because hes a good reg i tryed to play my value range exactly like my bluffing range (not big turn and pot river)
if you like my turn play what would you doi vs a raise?
WM2K 12 years, 1 month ago
No calling flop is the best play. By far. Think of the range that your repping when you raise and think of what range hes going to shove in response to that. Basically your turning QQ into a bluff by raising.

OTR I think its partly due to a bet sizing error OTT. When your playing 130bb+ deep you really really need to think about what your river plan and ranges are esp as the spr is significantly different then what you are used to. I think here you put max pressure OTT with a larger bet size and you also set up the river for a more optimal shove. With the sizing you did you let him draw cheaper then also set up the river so that you can not really be bluffing enough to justify a river shove seeing as its a bit of an overbet. I can t quite work out exactly what is optimal for you due to not knowing your range however if you post up whatever hands your getting to the turn with I can help to work out a near optimal plan. I feel that it definitely involves a larger turn bet setting up a smaller river shove.

If he does crai this is pretty sick. Not sure what is best but idk calling it off with this hand can t be that bad. Your pretty alive when behind and he can c/r AxAh, KxKh and sometimes an ambitious bluff with Ah.
thedoors 12 years, 1 month ago
thanks, interesting, i thought best play was to set up a pot size river with bluffs to + that makes me able to think abot folding vs a shove turn but your argumenbt make sense

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