[NL100] QQ BUvsCO 4b pot
Posted by Jkob
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Low Stakes
[NL100] QQ BUvsCO 4b pot
Hi guys. So CO is 20/17/7, with a 4bet of 8.5% (4bet range 2.9% in CO) over 16k hands.
- Is it better to get it in preflop in this spot or is he too tight?
- How to play postflop, do we just fold flop? Call flop fold turn?
I am having trouble with similar spots all the time, not sure what the better line is and when to give up (if at all).
P.S.: I guess I should be posting NL100 hands in Low Stakes from now on ha?
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- Is it better to get it in preflop in this spot or is he too tight?
As general I would very rarely develope a 5b range. As played JJ+, AK is 3.02% and this gives us a flip but I still wouldn't do it. So an overall answer is I would rarely shove here with any part of my range.
- How to play postflop, do we just fold flop? Call flop fold turn?
You are getting 3,2:1 on the flop. Vs smth like JJ+, AK you have 27% eq. While if we take away JJ from his range and add some 4b bluffs like A4s, A5s, your EQ drops to 10%.
Most ppl would also x their, JJ-KK on this flop in a 4b pot.
So I think folding directly on flop, sounds fine to me.
I think you can do both preflop.
Postflop I would just fold to the flopbet. A 4bet range consists of a lot of Ax so this is a really bad board. I would be more inclined to call on Kxx.
Ok thanks guys. Folding flop seems reasonable in retrospect.
What do we do if there is no A on the flop? And the turn is the same? Do we calldown?
* Mod: Moved to Low Stakes 2015-09-29 17:01 CEST *
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