NL100 preflop play AKs OOP 200 deep

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NL100 preflop play AKs OOP 200 deep

HJ: $206
CO: $302.65
BN: $203
SB: $97.50
BB: $202.35 (Hero)
UTG: $100
200 deep table
dont know HJ: 18/15 60hands
Btn 20/17 360 hands
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt K A
HJ raises to $3, CO folds, BN calls $3, SB folds, Hero raises to $14, HJ raises to $48, BN folds
my preflop play deep is horrible, dont know what i can 5bet but aces....
here i dont want like ot play oop vs 2 regs deep even with AKs
i think they will often call ip deep so i 3squeez for value i dont expect much 4 bet bluffs
so when he does it im lost + he sizes big so that makes me thinks he want to play staks
i cant call since its a big bet and im oop, even ip dont know if i can call

finally my question is : what is your stack off range 200 deep

how would you play here
i think squeez> call
after squeezing fold> shove > call

thanks for your opinions have a nice day


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WM2K 12 years ago
Ya I don t play enough really deep but this 4 bet is pretty enormous right? Pot is it? I like squeezing and once he bombs it I don t think I have a 5 betting range. Maybe ya AA but this is an exploitable adjustment. With your tight 3 betting range and I can imagine tight image I don t think you can jam this profitably.Villain is also a likely nit. Calling seems kinda gross but its gotta be the only way to continue although I don t hate folding tbh.
James Hudson 12 years ago
I think villain's sizing on the 4 bet just makes this a fold. Like you said, the fact that he/she is using such ridiculously big sizing makes me think that they're a huge nit and the pot is going to be gigantic postflop making a call much less appealing vs a nutted range.
thedoors 12 years ago
thanks what will be your ranges for calling, and stack off vs a standard 4bet of lets say 33?
James Hudson 12 years ago
I'm probably going to be calling with a huge chunk of my continuing range at this stack depth because there's not going to be many hands that I want to stack off with so it's difficult to be balanced at all when I 5 bet.
thedoors 12 years ago
ok thanks that point the fact that position is more important deep because i dont like calling KK AA oop deep...
thedoors 12 years ago
calling 4bet deep oop with a low SPR? i find it too hard on 66% flops we wont hit TP and im not sure i like stack off 200 deep with TPTK
happy to read its not an obvious spot
WM2K 12 years ago
Yes is certainly can. But in this exact situation? You do need some FE to get it in this deep and villain is a nit, thedoors probably isnt squeezing lite at all and villain made a larger 4 bet. This leads me to believe that our FE is nearly non existent. Perhaps I m overreacting but we need villain to be stacking off with QQ here and idk if thats happening.
wuwei 12 years ago
Really not sure about this spot either. I see your concern. What's your 3bet range in this spot? I would just make sure that I'm not totally exploitable. IF villain is bluffing, it has to work around 70% of the time. So, I would make sure to continue 25% at least. Either call/5bet enough or squeeze less.

Let's say villain's value range is KK+. The funny thing is that against that range KK (23%), AKs (23%), QQ (18%), AQs (25%) and 67s (23%) all perform about the same. AQs performs best and 67s is arguably the easiest to play. Adding some bluffs to villains range changes equities a bit. E.g. Adding 6 combos KQo, we have KK:43%, AKs:45%, QQ:28% AQs:42% and 67s:28%. AKs has the best card removal effect on that range (value:bluff: AQs 9:5, AKs 6:5). I think 3bet/calling KK+, AKs is fine. If villain is never bluffing, we are doomed :)

I would make the 3bet larger. With this sizing HJ and BTN can set mine. Getting action with AA on 582r sucks. I'd make it 16 at least.
thedoors 12 years ago
in this spot my 3bet range could be JJ+,A9s+,A5s-A2s,KTs+,QTs+,JTs,AKo 7.2%
i working on being inexploitable buut its only usefull if he explioits us, not sure he does with this 4bet
your right for betsizing, thanks
wuwei 12 years ago
Yeah, we only need to care about being exploited if villain exploits us. But trying to find out if he exploits us maybe just as expensive as making a loose call. I really don't know how to quantify which is more expensive. Maybe the best Idea is to wait until we can interpret villains 4bet stat EP vs. blinds. I would certainly take a note on villains 4bet sizing.
wuwei 12 years ago
I think squeezing 7% in these positions is a bit too much. But this may just be personal preference. If people keep folding, its certainly fine.
thedoors 12 years ago
thankls for all your comments wuwei, when you see my range its not to see lot ot folds pre its to play big pot deep with initiative
thedoors 12 years ago
i really dont think we cant 5 bet jam in this situation this deep even if i did not do the math yet
i m not a maniac but i play somethink like 23/20/6.5 vs these players, and i think i squeez somethin like 5-6% so not only KK+. But that does not make me thinks he will 4bet bluff often with this sizing
wuwei 12 years ago
I wouldn't shove here either. You probably only get called by KK+ at best. I think fold >= call > shove. Folding may, however, be easily exploitable. If I want to shove something here its AA. If you squeeze 5-6% in these positions, you should call KK+, AKs imo. Maybe even a bit more.

I suspect after villains large 4bet fold >= call > shove. But taking your 5-6% squeeze range into account it may be call>fold>shove. Simply because villain could bluff you all the time and you would be bleeding money with your squeezes.
wuwei 12 years ago
Maybe I was a bit unclear. My main point is this. We don't know villains strategy, but for the whole hand (not just the decision after his 4bet) both shoving AKs and continuing only with AA may be hugely -ev. On the other hand, calling something like KK+, AKs cannot be that bad. We don't loose so much preflop if villain is bluffing a lot. And we can probably make up for that postflop. If villain is seldomly bluffing, we also don't loose so much since AKs has 23% against KK+ and we get about 2:1 pre.
cold7betfold 12 years ago
18/15 doesn't look lose enough to asume that he will 4bet light imo. (too small samplesize and no other reads of course but still).
I think folding is the best option.
Playing for Pennies 12 years ago
Just fold and give props to villain for either:
A) having a better hand than you. (which is most likely going to be the case in this spot)
B) outplaying you.

You have to get out played sometimes.
thedoors 12 years ago
i agree, most interesting is what can we stack off, and if its only KK+ do you agree it s a mistake to sueez here and its better to do it with Axs
WM2K 12 years ago
I like the squeeze. You have a pretty nutty hand that flops really well. Just happened that this time villain had it (or likely had it) . Say thanks to him for making your life easy and playing his ranges so poorly that we are able to lay down a hand that he should most certainly cooler.

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