NL100 preflop play AKs OOP 200 deep
Posted by thedoors
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Low Stakes
NL100 preflop play AKs OOP 200 deep
HJ: $206
CO: $302.65
BN: $203
SB: $97.50
BB: $202.35 (Hero)
UTG: $100
CO: $302.65
BN: $203
SB: $97.50
BB: $202.35 (Hero)
UTG: $100
200 deep table
dont know HJ: 18/15 60hands
Btn 20/17 360 hands
dont know HJ: 18/15 60hands
Btn 20/17 360 hands
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
HJ raises to $3, CO folds, BN calls $3, SB folds, Hero raises to $14, HJ raises to $48, BN folds
HJ raises to $3, CO folds, BN calls $3, SB folds, Hero raises to $14, HJ raises to $48, BN folds
my preflop play deep is horrible, dont know what i can 5bet but aces....
here i dont want like ot play oop vs 2 regs deep even with AKs
i think they will often call ip deep so i 3squeez for value i dont expect much 4 bet bluffs
so when he does it im lost + he sizes big so that makes me thinks he want to play staks
i cant call since its a big bet and im oop, even ip dont know if i can call
finally my question is : what is your stack off range 200 deep
how would you play here
i think squeez> call
after squeezing fold> shove > call
thanks for your opinions have a nice day
here i dont want like ot play oop vs 2 regs deep even with AKs
i think they will often call ip deep so i 3squeez for value i dont expect much 4 bet bluffs
so when he does it im lost + he sizes big so that makes me thinks he want to play staks
i cant call since its a big bet and im oop, even ip dont know if i can call
finally my question is : what is your stack off range 200 deep
how would you play here
i think squeez> call
after squeezing fold> shove > call
thanks for your opinions have a nice day
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calling 4bet deep oop with a low SPR? i find it too hard on 66% flops we wont hit TP and im not sure i like stack off 200 deep with TPTK
happy to read its not an obvious spot
Let's say villain's value range is KK+. The funny thing is that against that range KK (23%), AKs (23%), QQ (18%), AQs (25%) and 67s (23%) all perform about the same. AQs performs best and 67s is arguably the easiest to play. Adding some bluffs to villains range changes equities a bit. E.g. Adding 6 combos KQo, we have KK:43%, AKs:45%, QQ:28% AQs:42% and 67s:28%. AKs has the best card removal effect on that range (value:bluff: AQs 9:5, AKs 6:5). I think 3bet/calling KK+, AKs is fine. If villain is never bluffing, we are doomed :)
I would make the 3bet larger. With this sizing HJ and BTN can set mine. Getting action with AA on 582r sucks. I'd make it 16 at least.
in this spot my 3bet range could be JJ+,A9s+,A5s-A2s,KTs+,QTs+,JTs,AKo 7.2%
i working on being inexploitable buut its only usefull if he explioits us, not sure he does with this 4bet
your right for betsizing, thanks
i m not a maniac but i play somethink like 23/20/6.5 vs these players, and i think i squeez somethin like 5-6% so not only KK+. But that does not make me thinks he will 4bet bluff often with this sizing
I suspect after villains large 4bet fold >= call > shove. But taking your 5-6% squeeze range into account it may be call>fold>shove. Simply because villain could bluff you all the time and you would be bleeding money with your squeezes.
I think folding is the best option.
A) having a better hand than you. (which is most likely going to be the case in this spot)
B) outplaying you.
You have to get out played sometimes.
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