Nl100 preflop play 89s ip vs big 3better(14% overall)

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Nl100 preflop play 89s ip vs big 3better(14% overall)

HJ: $251.45
CO: $46.05
BN: $171.65 (Hero)
SB: $100
BB: $101.50
UTG: $113.10
BB: dont know him well 440 hands, hes agro pre and post
he 5bet AKs 120deep vs me, he 3bets 89s oop, he CB depolarized 3rd pair and can 2 barrel A high
he 3bets a lot (including vs me) overal 14%,, 20% from BB vs steal !!!
he CB 94%flop and 75% turn
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt 9 8
UTG folds, HJ calls $1, CO folds, Hero raises to $3, SB folds, BB raises to $11, HJ folds, Hero calls $9
i dont have a good hand but i can allways fold (i have to do the maths do construct range against 3bet on btn)
89s dont have blockers so not the best to 4bet /fold so i think call 3bet > 4bet > fold
what do you think?.
Flop ($25.50) 4 K 7 (2 Players)
BB bets $12.75, Hero calls $12.75
ok he 3bes a loooooooot and CB 94% so his range is so wide here i cant fold
i dont represent much with a raise so i call to float wit my backdoors + overs to 7 with idea of raise shoving any turn which gives me a draw
Turn ($51.00) 9 (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero checks
i expect him to bet a draw so he has air but i dont know him enough to be sure he can't X/R here so i call even if i let him 12% with his overcards
River ($51.00) 6 (2 Players)
BB checks
im nealry sure i win but is it better for a range construction to value thin?


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WM2K 12 years ago
Calling this 3 bet even vs someone pretty aggressive is going to be quite marginal mostly cause the spr is going to be smaller so less room to maneuver. How wide are you isolating limpers? His 3 bet range is likely to be quite a bit tighter then usual I m sure.

OTF I fold. K high boards generally belong to the aggressor and you have basically no equity. Floating with the plan to jam any draw you pick up is likely to lead to spew I think.

Once you bink the pair I like the play after. Betting the river could lead to some c/r bluffs, and if he s c/c a pair it probably beats yours.

thedoors 12 years ago
i open 50-55% btn so i isolate wuite wide
why do you htink floating/shoving turn draw is spew?
he 3 bets wide + he cb 100% + he 2 barrels a lot= he has a wide weak range turn which cant face agression + we have equity (around 25%) when we shoves, seems pretty cool
WM2K 12 years ago
I just think you probably have enough better hands to float like this. As, Qs, Adxd for example. Just seems a bit fancy and dubious esp as I don t think you ll have a ton of FE when he double barrels as the spr is going to a be where he is quite committed. I still think his 3 bet is going to be stronger then normal as well. Even if you steal 55% OTB you don t iso limpers with that range I m sure. I d guess idk 35-40% of you hands tops?
BigFiszh 12 years ago
I have a bunch of respect for WM2K´s posts, but in this spot I kinda disagree with everything. I apologize for that in advance. :-D

1) The iso-raise is quite small imho, so it doesn´t scream strength to me - especially if the limper was expected to call we´d probably go bigger with our value-hands, so I don´t expect Villain to have a "tighter" 3-betting-range than normal.

2) 98s is definitely in my 3-bet-defense-range vs. aggressive 3-barrelers ip.

3) I like the float on the flop. There are tons of good turncards for us and we have quite a bunch of Kx-hands in our defense-range so Villain can´t just auto-barrel on the turn, so we often get a hint on his range as well.

4) Turn is kinda close. If we float this flop often, I´d do what I had done with "air" - bet. As mentioned, we have enough Kx in our range to protect our 9x-range, so there´s not much harm if we get x/r. 98s is the bottom of our range, so we can easily muck it imho.

5) Once we get to the river after the turn got checked through, I think we can definitely valuebet. Not only do I expect to be ahead absolutely most of the time, but Villain most likely does not put us on Kx and he might level himself into a call after so many possible draws bricked. Furthermore I think it´s kinda unlikely he checked the turn with TT-QQ, so I mostly put him on AQ, maybe 88 or lower pockets, that still could talk themselves into a call.
WM2K 12 years ago
Lol ya thats ok. I think there is some spots I don t understand about nlhe. Not many. But some :P.

I def do struggle with defending vs 3 bets. I think it would be interesting to examine this spot more closely with the oracle and see how many combos of Kx, and better floats we have and see if what your saying is true. Intuitively this seems a bit fancy but likely my intuition needs tuning.
BigFiszh 12 years ago
"I think it would be interesting to examine this spot more closely with the oracle and see how many combos of Kx, and better floats we have and see if what your saying is true."

If you don´t mind I´d find it great if we could do that together! I experimented some time with the oracle but didn´t get too warm with it. So I´d be interested in getting a better insight into how it works. In trade we could do the same in CREV (if you´re not familiar with that) and double-check results. If you´re interested, please hook me up via skype: x_Tackle_x

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