NL100 overpaire KK IP vs X/R on drawy board
Posted by thedoors
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Low Stakes
NL100 overpaire KK IP vs X/R on drawy board
CO: $128.95
BN: $124.15
SB: $84.75
BB: $118.35 (Hero)
BN: $124.15
SB: $84.75
BB: $118.35 (Hero)
56/17 44 hands
(4 Players)
Hero was dealt
CO folds, BN folds, SB calls $0.50, Hero raises to $3, SB calls $3
CO folds, BN folds, SB calls $0.50, Hero raises to $3, SB calls $3
maybe i should have raise to 4
(2 Players)
SB checks,
Hero bets $6,
SB raises to $21
i put him on lof of draws, top pairs Tx and few nut combos
hard to figure a limping range because its so different from one player to another
do you prefer call and let him bluff turn
or do you find this boar to drawy and prefer raise and put stakcs in on flop
or do you consider we are beaten and we should find a flop
hard to figure a limping range because its so different from one player to another
do you prefer call and let him bluff turn
or do you find this boar to drawy and prefer raise and put stakcs in on flop
or do you consider we are beaten and we should find a flop
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The value of raising and putting money in the pot vs Tx, draws etc. outweigh by far the value of flatting to let him continue bluffing with hands that otherwise would fold to a 3b (Like i said, theres not a lot of those).
Yeah I raise bigger pre, at least 4 (I would make it 4.75).
It's a flop that hits well his limping/calling range (straight/two pairs/sets/big combodraws). Without reads, I usually assume that a limper is on the passive side, so he won't raise weak draws/top pairs which makes a reraise bad (not enough equity).
igotya if you raise his X/R you shove if he 3bets?
event78, i allways struggle what is a limping range, what do you assign him to say that hit his range?
It depends on how loose is limping range is but it hits all his sc/PP/offsuit connected garbage and a lot of sc/PP/Axs/Kxs/Qxs (gutshot/fd). 79o/T8o/68s/6Ts/66/88 are probably in his range, + all big combodraws/fd + 2overs and/or gutshot. A board like KcTc2x usually hits way less his limping range (except if he is in the first category).
if you re right we are behind his raising range so we should folf flop? (incredible to me)
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 47.513% 47.04% 00.47% 222159 2214.00 { KK }
Hand 1: 52.487% 52.02% 00.47% 245643 2214.00 { TT, 88, 66, As9s, As8s, As7s, As6s, As5s, As4s, As3s, As2s, Ks9s, Ks8s, Ks7s, Ks6s, Ks5s, Ks4s, Ks3s, Ks2s, Ts8s, 9s8s, 9s7s, 9s6s, 8s7s, 7s6s, 6s5s, 5s4s, 4s3s, 3s2s, Q9o, J9o, T7o, 97o+ }
That will indeed be the case vs the more str/f fish and in those cases folding straightahead OTF is usually very solid. But this guy is playing 56/18, so he seems quite aggressive and you can therefore easily see some Tx play like this.
Yeah if we 3bet the flop here we are obviously NEVER folding.
Flatting and jamming almost any-nonspade turn is also a line that could be viable but I think this guy can easily end getting stacks to the middle vs a 3b OTF with e.g. JT, QT, KT, AT, 98, 9J etc.
His range is all over the place, there isn't not really any structure, there will be a lot of trash, slowplays etc.
You need 43.5% vs his range to jam here assuming he always calls (This is not the case, he will also be folding random bluffs like QJ, K9 etc. and he can even spazz with those).
I don't think it is close at all tbh, if villian was a passive 35/3 and we had 100bb stacks then we could discuss folding but not in this case!
thanks happy new year
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