NL100 KK vs fish 3bet pot donk on QJ7ss
Posted by conoval
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Low Stakes
NL100 KK vs fish 3bet pot donk on QJ7ss
Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players)
BN: $126.39
SB: $32.37
BB: $72.19
UTG: $162.53
MP: $384.23
CO: $128.71
SB: $32.37
BB: $72.19
UTG: $162.53
MP: $384.23
CO: $128.71
31/18/29/53/41/1л (vpip/pfr/wts/w$sd/wwsf/hands);
AFq: 37/32/29;
rf 30
fold to 3bet total OOP 50(31), EP 44(16)
donk vs 1 3bet pot 36(11)
donk SR pot 33(91)/6(17)/22(9)
donk fold SR pot 56(9)
AFq: 37/32/29;
rf 30
fold to 3bet total OOP 50(31), EP 44(16)
donk vs 1 3bet pot 36(11)
donk SR pot 33(91)/6(17)/22(9)
donk fold SR pot 56(9)
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Little deep< so 3bet 11$ I think.
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Standard? I don't like his WTSF 41. and W$SD 53. Can I play another way?
I don't block Kh and it's good. He can have dro, combo dro and overplay AQ and it's all. Value JJ/QQ/77/QJ.
I don't block Kh and it's good. He can have dro, combo dro and overplay AQ and it's all. Value JJ/QQ/77/QJ.
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A fish will have QX, 2P and sets here. some have draws, some not. So its somewhere between close and +EV.
if you have 1k hands on him you should have a better read of what he DL's with.
I guess I'd just GII and see
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