NL100 HU help me adjust

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NL100 HU help me adjust

So I decided to start playing some HU after watching some of Sean Lefort's videos.

I've played a few short matches so far and felt surprisingly comfortable until this particular match were I got killed.

For some reason this villain confused me. At first I thought he seemed unbalanced but after some time I noticed it was very much the opposite. He had a particularly low cbet and he was also floating me a lot. At first he was barely 3betting me but then he swtiched and started 3betting a lot more and I caught him 3betting things like T4s, K7o etc.  

I've attached villains stats and then my stats. My stats are over fewer hands since they are only from one of the 3 tables we played but the general picture is pretty close to how I played overall except that my opening range was about 80-85% not 73% as seen here. Also my F3bet was about 50% overall.

How do you think I should adjust vs this particular player? I have some ideas but I will post them tomorrow after (hopefully) getting some replies. 

Also would apprreciate any pointers towards my own stats.

Villain: 202 hands

R0b5ter: 45 Hands

P.S. Just set up my HU HUD the other day trying to mimic Sean's set up. Haven't fixed all the colour codings yet. PRBT is Bet out on turn when villain failed to cbet flop. This stat is for some reason called Turn Probe bet in PT4 (PRBT)


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R0b5ter 11 years, 10 months ago

Alright spent sum of my morning time analyzing it. Actually happy I didn't get so many responses yet since I'd actually like to get my thoughts down before they get influenced.

Like I said I dont have much experience HU and this post is my attempt to try and start thinking in a HU mindset. Although similar spots arise at FR and 6max all the time the importance of adjusting right away isn't as big. I love this about HU and I already feel it's making me a better player. But please bare with me if certain parts of this post seem trivial.

Flay Minion, thank you for the response. Your advice is very valid and I agree that this is the overall strategy to employ but I'm looking to dig a bit deeper.

He's stealing 94% and he was min raising. So I need a minimum defense of at least 50%. I was 3betting about 25% and flatting about 60% which adds up to 85% total steal defense, which in retrospect is probably way to high? Although his low cbet% would allow me to realize a bit more equity with my calling range so perhaps it's not that bad?

If we look at his defense range on the contrary, he was defending a total of 45% (18% 3bet, 27% call). Since he was defending less than 50% to my min raises I was instant profiting and should have increased my steals to 100%?

His low cbet% was what gave me problems. Typically a low cbettor will be a bit of a passive weaker player. But he wasn't. His checking back range was fairly strong and I saw him checking back TP, overcards with gut shot, middle pair, flush draw etc. So I guess we don't have much choice but to play straight forward and play along his terms, lowering our aggression OOP overall? Check-raising less, floating less and "probe betting turn" less. Can anyone think of another adjustment? I thought of donking being an option but the problem was he was so sticky and only folding to cbets 32% and that's when he was OOP without the lead. In position with the lead I feal that establishing a donking range would lead to a lot of floats. Which of course leads to the conclusion that donking with a wide value range might be valid? A wide value range but a lower bluffing range which is unbalanced.

Finally his low fold to cbet is easier to adjust against and something I felt like I handled well. Just increase our value range a bit and lower our bluff range a bit. However that would lead to us being unbalanced but I guess that is fine until he re-adjusts?

WM2K 11 years, 10 months ago

Sounds like you just have a tougher opponent and its hard to say exactly how to adjust without some hands and showdowns.

You OOP defense range is a bit high but not totally out of control. Maybe trim it by 5-10%. Also I would not be 3 betting this guy so much unless he was folding either pre or OTF a lot. Doesnt strike me that he s making those errors right :D. I d cut it to like ~15% or so.

Vs his low c bet % you just gotta make a leading range thats balanced and decent. Some bluffs, some value you know the deal. Also be happy that he s giving you so many free turns. Means your OOP range is realizing more equity overall and if he s missing the chance to put more pressure on you on all streets then thats his problem. Sounds like you can still attack his c bets though fairly aggressively if he s really checking back that many strong hands. Hard to say and you ll have to play it how it goes. Also the fact that he s letting you see 4 cards quite often would make me want to 3 bet him less and just put less $$ in OOP overall.

Also don t be so worried about getting beat up like this a bit. Its great your analyzing it and thinking about how to improve for your next battle but HU is pretty high variance esp if you playing strong players.

R0b5ter 11 years, 10 months ago

Thanks for the excellent reply WM2K. All very good points. Hadn't thought about that it's better to 3bet less since he's cbetting so little. Very true. 

Also you are right that the variance is probably huge. The edge must be very small as well. For me I proably don't ahve an edge yet but for a winning player it's still probably small? I mean seems like the HU tables are just a huge amount of regs just sitting and waiting for a little fishy to sit down. Kind of fun that they all get excited when I sit down and I'm treated like a juicy fish. Maybe rightful so. But in several cases now regs have just sat out after some hands and refused to play. Kind of poor style of you ask me.

Really liking this HU project and will probably end up posting more similar posts. If anyone has anything else to add please feel free to do so.

WM2K 11 years, 10 months ago

Ya unfortunately HU is a bit of a broken game in the way that people are able to refuse action so easily. Its very bad for poker in general and the networks definitely should not allow it.

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