[NL100] A3s, straight w flush card OTR

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[NL100] A3s, straight w flush card OTR

A3s straight vs flush card OTR

OK, so the guy is pretty much unknown (25/14 over 106 hands). I have to questions:
- should I raise turn bigger? He did have pot size left...
- is river a check....fold?



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BioRio0101 9 years, 5 months ago

Folding flop seems most attractive option here, with no backdoor flush outs and with some reverse implied if we hit a 5c.

As played I rly don't know how I feel about xr range in a 3way spot on turn. I probably wouldn't even have one.

River, as played your hand is probably top of your range. I don't know if he ever shoves worse for value besides 22,44,A3s but I still don't think we can xf this river. I would be xc.

Knoxox 9 years, 5 months ago

I would fold the flop. We only have 3 outs and not even a backdoor draw.
As played I would just call the turnbet. But if you raise you should make it bigger so that you can jam blanks OTR.
River is a tough spot. With this SS you could maybe exploitably bet 1/3d pot and fold to a raise.

Disharmonist 9 years, 5 months ago

You can float against 1 player here and bluff river if turn goes x/x.

I would lead turn, wheels are usually more disguised.

As played, river is bet /fold.

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