NL100 3way - Bottom Set in trouble?

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NL100 3way - Bottom Set in trouble?

Hey, played this hand some minutes ago and need an opinion.

UTG is very aggro, playing 38/27/18% 3bet. Button is unkown, but not a regular. Havent seen him before and the network I am playing in is quite small.

When he minraises the initial riasders cbet I put him on Nuts /2nd nuts (Q9, 97) or set Js, set Ts, weired played 9x, maybe KQ, AQ, or even AA/KK/QQ. I dont really see a reason to 3bet the flop and want to look for a safe turn to eventually get it in. When UTG calls, he might have all overpairs, 9x, KQ, KJ, AQ, AJ, random 9x. I am not really worried about his hand.

Turn doesnt change anything, except that BUs handrange gets strenghtened. My options are jamming or folding.

Your opinions please.



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Hova 11 years ago

I don't think we can fold this vs an unknown who can be overplaying AJ/9T etc. If he has a straight we still have ten outs - I'd just shove over turn bet I think. 

ItsToothPasteISwear 11 years ago

given hes unkown and its a small network im gunna assume hes likely to be a fish, especially given he minraises the flop. Im not getting away from this hand, he can have JT or have slowplayed AA pre and now be overplaying it, altho his turn bomb really scares me, cuz minraise and then bomb is never good when we are worried about our hand, but yeah, I just dont think I could find a fold without more info on him

Given relative positions id also prolly just go with it on the flop. Really sucks to just call and then watch a good turn get checked thru, and there are TON of straight draws out to give us action, considering the players we are up against (an aggro tard and a fish). I dont think its as important to wait for a safe turn card because our hand still has equity even if a bad turn falls, and our position blows so we cant really control the action by playing it safe anyway. 

Cosme Fulanito 11 years ago

raise flop 100% sure and make it big, makes this easier and you will find a lot of calls from the fish with 100% of his min raising range with we beat in most cases btw. If utg is good as you said you will not get any extra money from him based on your call on the flop unless he turns a straight, set or a strong two pair (which wont play aggresive btw). So raise here, iso yourself vs the fish and happily stack off

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