NL100 3B pot interesting spot + thought process

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NL100 3B pot interesting spot + thought process

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I have been struggling with the most profitable way to play this hand, any opinions are much appreciated.

Villain (755h): 25/20, 17(70h) 3B vs BTN, 7/10 cB in 3B pot

My flat pre is ok I think, although open to discussion

OK, I flop a good draw so I thought I should use my equity to apply some pressure and get the $$$
Thing is, even though he seems to lean toward cBetting too much, I think he will not bluff at this with total air, since it smashes my continuing range.
So I think he will be cBet bluffing w/ equity, maybe planning to double barrel to fold out my floats (cB bluff/give up turn on this flop doesn't make much sense to me) - gutshots, BDFD's w/ As

If he cBets too much air, a raise at any point would be profitable I think. Following analysis presupposes the above theory (that he cBets w/ equity)

Considering various plans OTF

Raise flop/give up
> get him off of weak draws (GS/BDFD)
> he might even bet Tx thinking I will float a lot, which he should fold to a raise

Raise flop/shove turn
> when he calls I think he has too much Kx that he is not folding blank Turns, maybe he folds Qxss, Jxss (I expect Axss to get it in flop) but he can also fold these OTF, since he can Be dead against my NFD
> I am so much inclined towards draws when I raise flop (only valuehands KT, TT, I don't flat 22 pre here)
> so maybe shoving turn if called flop is not so good? what about floating?

Float flop/bet turn vs check
> I think he may have too much Kx that he will c/c, and maybe c/c blank rivers. His above mentioned bluffing range should continue on blanks to throw me off floats, Tx etc
> so ch back turn and get free card?

Float/raise vs cB turn
> a good sized raise should be enough to throw him off most of his draws

On THIS turn
> I think this is a bad turn to continue my plan on, since it improves his semibluffing range, so should I just fold here?

Basically I figured I put in the minimum required to fold out his draws. After he shoved on me, I was getting priced in lol so pretty bad plan there. 

What would your plan be OTF? What about this turn?

Thank You


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Freakymo91 10 years, 11 months ago

u cant raise a turn blank ever he has all his nut hands in his range and u loose so much equety in this turn card u pretty much commit urself with around16% equety worst case would be if he has AA and block some outs of u then ur equety goes even more down. If he has a wide 3-betting range and c-betting range u can raise the flop and get it in but u shouldnt raise the turn on a blank what are u reping here? Nut flush? he might have As in his hands and he would be more inclined 2 play her is 2 fold turn since u could be easyly drawing dead. Just give up and get  ur money in in better spots.

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