NL10 Zoom - KQo as bluffhand in 3bet pot
Posted by kevson180
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Low Stakes
NL10 Zoom - KQo as bluffhand in 3bet pot
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $16.79
SB: $22.75
BB: $12.41 (Hero)
UTG: $11.99
MP: $5.18
CO: $42.35
SB: $22.75
BB: $12.41 (Hero)
UTG: $11.99
MP: $5.18
CO: $42.35
Villain play 15/8 over 13 hands, so he is unknown.
Hero is BB with
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Do you like my play with the NF-blocker? What about sizings?
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Yeah, seems fine. I'd bet a bit bigger on the river though.
I like the aggression and I think pre, flop and turn are good. but after being called twice I think im giving up on the river. preflop were 60% favorite vs his range, 56% OTF and a dog by OTR...43% vs 56%. his range (22+, A2s+, K2s+, Q7s+, J7s+, T7s+, 96s+, 86s+, 75s+, 65s, 54s, A2o+, KTo+, QTo+). He has every Ax hand and tons of suited combos.
Im never 3-betting this hand pre. KQo plays fine post flop and I'd rather have a more polarized 3-betting range. As played its fine I think
It's fine imo, especially versus a minraise.
Okay, thanks for your answers :)
I'd bet slightly bigger on each street, but the triple itself is fine, good.
3b is fine as a default - we can't rely on such a small sample.
I think that both flating and 3b PF is fine.
But post flop Im not a huge fan of the play. Im not saying is bad, but why are we trying to triple barreling hoping to get a fold from Ax from a villain that is basically unknown.
I would say keeping your bullets for villains with whom you have somewhat of a history (or reads) is better.
P.S. and your sizing is a bit off IMO, are you betting the same amounts with AcKx (non spade) or AA ?
Reads or no reads I'd be pretty happy tripling this runout. He's going to have a hard time calling down. Unless he calls 3 w AJ JJ & a couple flush combos (without raising) he should fold most of the time.
Pf is questionnable, post flop seems absolutely fine.
Vs a min raise I like 3betting, & would assume villain is on the weaker side.
Would play the same post.
Maybe bet bigger otr because we're somewhat polarized.
bleh I think that literally all villain's nowadays have balanced RFI sizings
Preflop I think that both are fine.
Postflop is fine. I would bet a little bigger on all streets though.
river bet is bad. you only make Qs fold, and you beat that most of the time anyways, he's not going that far and folding a reasonable ace.
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