[NL10 Zoom] 99 BvB, Scarecard on Turn, check/call?
Posted by Pokerlogical
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Low Stakes
[NL10 Zoom] 99 BvB, Scarecard on Turn, check/call?
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (9 Players)
BN: $19.18
SB: $10.05 (Hero)
BB: $11.10
UTG: $9.89
UTG+1: $6.05
MP: $34.38
MP+1: $12.13
MP+2: $10.00
CO: $12.74
SB: $10.05 (Hero)
BB: $11.10
UTG: $9.89
UTG+1: $6.05
MP: $34.38
MP+1: $12.13
MP+2: $10.00
CO: $12.74
Hero is SB with
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Final Pot
BB wins $1.30
Rake is $0.06
Rake is $0.06
Opponent unkown.
On the turn I will ocassionally check with a weak K and usually bet a lot of my Air like J9 or QJ.
However QJ I may check/call from time to time on this turn, I certainly think that is no bad idea.
With 99 however I like to check that turn 100% of the time because I don't want to turn 99 into a bluff there.
I am not sure how far up I am in my checkingrange on turn so I am not sure if I have to defend 99 here.
I certainly think it's close but I might get thin valuebetted by a Ten :/ ...
What do you think?
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U played it okay. U can ch the flop also sometimes if U want.
As played c/f turn is okay.
If you have a wider cbetting range OTF you certainly have to call 99 in order to defend enough against his floats. I think he's going to have plenty of bluffs too , so calling is probably +ev unless he's crazy OTR.
Dont see too many floats in this limit, and usually floating hands contain 1-2 overcards, so the K might have hit villain as well.
So you think they'll fold A2, A5, 65s,75s,76s,QJs OTF? I think we certainly have more than enough EQ, the only question is: what percent of our EQ can we realize? If you think we won't be able to realize enough, go ahead and fold. Can't be a big mistake for sure. It's certainly easier to make a big mistake after calling.
Well played, a x/c OTF is also fine imo.
I wouldnt xc qj fwiw, no sdv and by check calling we allow the villain to get to showdown and win even with some of his bluffs
Looks fine. Villain most likely has a 10 in this spot or was floating with KQ, also likely for Villain to have K10 here. I doubt villain is floating with nothing and unlikely he's betting a small pair here. Fold and pick a better spot
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