NL10 Value bet on turn?

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NL10 Value bet on turn?

Both players are fish. SB is tight player 22/10/4, MP is station 59/10/4

What is your play on turn with overcard. What would your game be like if we played with two REGS?



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Shaun Pauwels 4 years, 7 months ago

I’m not a fan of cbetting 4-way with two players behind to act.
But as played I would still bet. If we had the best hand on the flop it’s still likely we have the best hand on the turn. And there’s more value to be gained from a turn bet compared to a river bet.

Erdis 4 years, 7 months ago

Not a huge fan of cbetting in that spot but checking seems way too risky. Lots of overcards are hiding here

Eurocrat 4 years, 7 months ago

Interesting. I don't mind the cbet at all, although the sizing is pretty off IMO. I would choose a much smaller size somewhere between 33-50%. If we check here, we're basically giving up, no? A lot of turn cards will make life miserable for us.

RaoulFlush 4 years, 7 months ago

Its a bit contradictive that the concept of protection becomes less important the more players are in the pot (esp at these semiwetboards), because the equities between players start to run much more close. So FE is a lot lower and we dont gain that much by cbetting anymore. So even if we feel that we have to protect, that often doesnt work and we start to grow a pot that we will loose much more often naturally than Playing HU

MattS 4 years, 7 months ago

What I would do - and I am not sure this is best, so please tell me if you disagree - is bet about 60% of pot and plan to check most rivers.

Against regs, two flat calls is annoying but they likely have exactly what you'd think weak holdings, draws, and 1 time in 15, a set. I think bet-folding is still fine

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