NL10 Preflop action AKs
Posted by Tao97
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Low Stakes
NL10 Preflop action AKs
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
UTG: $7.17
MP: $12.87
CO: $13.57
BN: $6.50
SB: $3.17
BB: $12.14 (Hero)
MP: $12.87
CO: $13.57
BN: $6.50
SB: $3.17
BB: $12.14 (Hero)
Hero is BB with
, , , , , , ,
Final Pot
CO wins $3.10
Hey guys! I got in some spots today in NL10 with AK and I was wondering what you guys think its the optimal play here.
The reason I folded is because in NL5, most preflop jams are AA, KK and AK. Obviously some guys also jam QQ and even lower pairs but the average player is not jamming QQ preflop, I've noticed they prefer to just call. So in NL5 I fold to jams with AK most of the time just because I believe I have a big edge postflop and I shouldn't be risking 100 BBs in what is at best a flip. I know its not optimal and I know its super exploitable, but I'm not getting exploited in NL5 so I don't mind it.
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