NL10 pf 3bet AK top pair facing all in OTF
Posted by Sanderb151
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Low Stakes
NL10 pf 3bet AK top pair facing all in OTF
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $15.83
SB: $18.34
BB: $8.95
UTG: $12.02
MP: $17.47
CO: $21.99 (Hero)
SB: $18.34
BB: $8.95
UTG: $12.02
MP: $17.47
CO: $21.99 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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Final Pot
SB wins $6.05
Rake is $0.29
Rake is $0.29
What do you think of this? At these stakes people usually don't bluff with a 150BB stack all in. 99's is most likely here, KK also possible imo, even though most of the times people 4bet pf with KK.
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looks like a flush draw to me
I think a lot of fish would play their AA/99/33 this way. Sometimes we are chopping. Even against a hand like QcJc we have like 53% equity and that's best case scenario.
Unless I have a read that villain is maniac this is prob a sigh fold.
misread the action, thought it was utg that was shoving. ez fold vs the sb. basically the only FD he could have is AQs, and he will have AK, 99 and probably AA a decent amount. hard to find a range that you have 42% against which is about what you need here to break even.
I am calling to the all in. Yes 99, and to a lesser extent 33 and AA, is very much possible, but too many AcXc, AxKy, KQ/KJ and once in a while a random spass to balance those and make it a call.
What is your 3bet range preflop in this situation?
What does your cbetting strategy look like? Why you pick your sizing?
Imo AK is the borderline hand to call though. AA I snapcall, KQ I fold. AK is a big part of opponent his range, most likely.
I think it's a good fold. I see the argument for a call, but you're so deep that I don't think most 10NL players are repping a FD here. I think a FD would call a street and get more value from your aggression. Looks like a protection bet with 99 to me.
Perhaps I'm nitty but I like the fold.
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