NL10 - J10o BB vs. BTN
Posted by tehthys
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Low Stakes
NL10 - J10o BB vs. BTN
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (5 Players)
BB: $10.00 (Hero)
UTG: $14.27
CO: $13.02
BN: $17.08
SB: $10.05
UTG: $14.27
CO: $13.02
BN: $17.08
SB: $10.05
VPIP: 39, PFR: 26, 3B: 8, AF: 5,0, Hands: 38 , not much but he is playing from Iphone so presumed weakish
Hero is BB with
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I am curius how you guys will continue here?
Any other thoughts appriciated. Thanks in advance
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I probably raise the turn. Lots of draws that villain will call with, might also call with two pair a lot of the time. I think calling is bad since there are a lot of river cards you will lose equity on, or cards that you will lose action against. I think raising the turn is probably the best option
Calling can't be bad, but I would probably raise against this small size too most of the time.
If we get 3bet it becomes awkward.
Just call here, you dont have enough bluffs and not enough worse valuehands than Tx.
This probably doesn't matter if villain is a presumed fish. In reg v reg play I 100% agree.
yeah Im calling
raising cant be too bad
what do we think about turn leading range?
I like a lead here, especially vs weaker looking opponents who could call light.. they will call a ton. We are also not sweating that villain might check behind and lose value.
Vs regs I think we could balance it out with some A high FDs, K high FDs and some 67s (if we didn't 3b PF in the first place)
yep we have a lot of stuff to semibluff with here too...
If we raise and get 3bet can we fold?
good question. I don't know. That's why I prefer leading.
I would either lead/call or x/c. I'm not really a fan of raising here but it's probably not that bad.
Yeah I guess we will be comitting ourself if we raise?
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