NL10 - calling 99 OP vs iso raise
Posted by Sublimation
Posted by Sublimation posted in Low Stakes
NL10 - calling 99 OP vs iso raise
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $8.79
SB: $18.24 (Hero)
BB: $10.00
UTG: $11.75
MP: $12.25
CO: $10.00
SB: $18.24 (Hero)
BB: $10.00
UTG: $11.75
MP: $12.25
CO: $10.00
Hero is SB with
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Here I sometimes struggle with these kind of pairs. I think calling is ok here vs. UTG, but maybe even a raise is fine. Since I had no stats on him I just decided to flat. The isolation raise by BB makes it a fold I think. I am not really sure why I called here when I reviewed this hand. I think too many hands crush me here to go for a set here.
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I called here because on a paired board like this my 9s could be good vs. Ax hands.
since we both checked the turn I thought I am never good here but I have to bet because I could also make hands like TT, JJ and KK fold. He probably would also check back AK on the turn I guess. But I thought this spot is a good bluffing spot on the river because he has to fold a lot of his other hands.
Final Pot
SB wins $5.25
Rake is $0.25
Rake is $0.25
overall I think that I just should have given up preflop when 3bet. I am mostly interested in my thought process on the turn and river though. Do you think it is fine to bluff here? I think otherwise my 9s won't ever be good with a showdown here.
Thank you!
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The problem is rarely have Qx or Ax, unless things like QXs and AXs but not that often.
I think you can get away with betting if you have some info, like he's not a station.
I think you are result oriented, if BB came along and the flop would be 9AQ we wouldn't talk about the hand.
The real question is how aggressive is BB, does he allow to see the flop cheaply? If not you can fold, if yes, capitalize on the common NL10 players mistakes, ie don't fold hands postflop when you flop the nuts
Seems to me that too strong to be bluffing; what is your calling range and what worse hands you can have on the river?
Overall I think we should be checking river a lot as we don't have strong Qx that often or any decent Ax.
Alternatively you can raise flop small and go check down mode if villain stabs too much
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