NL 50 Turn confuse
Posted by Sjankerd
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Low Stakes
NL 50 Turn confuse
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
MP: $47.39
CO: $52.25 (Hero)
BN: $57.90
SB: $21.50
BB: $50.75
UTG: $51.25
CO: $52.25 (Hero)
BN: $57.90
SB: $21.50
BB: $50.75
UTG: $51.25
Villian 700 hands 28/23/10 medium reg
Hero is CO with
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I think i can call here because on this flop villian can attack a lot.
Here i got confused. He is polarized here. I assumed he doesnt have TT (preflop) so for value he has 22,88, T8 (2 combos) total 6 combos. So we dont have to find that many bluffs. I think we can find enough bluffs, but maybe his bluffs has to many equity to call turn?
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I agree with you that he is representing narrow value after turn overbet but I would fold anyway. I dont mind catching there with AK, but you have probably worst possible suits there.
BTW. I wouldnt range bet this board.
Thanks jbarez. Also good point u make about flop play. Because he can attack that flop a lot i should probably have some more checks.
I guess the Ah/Kd makes this a good one to cbet, but a bad one facing aggression...
I agree that this is overall kind of an indifferent play in theory, but looking at a 50nl pool:
1. We block FD heavilly
2. 8 OTT is a pretty bad card to 2nd barrel usually: middlepair gets XR rarely and is so much better for heros range i guess.
3.overbets are often weighted towards value.
3. Villains barrel off to infrequently, esp in this spot, because...
5. 2FD bricked and bluffs like this vs a strong range of hero get through rarely. And so i dont expect a lot of players to triple off often enough.
So even if he is repping a super narrow range, im still letting this go (already OTT).
We have enough Tx or even OP that make better bluffcatchers.
Thanks for the wel structured post Raoul. With the points u bringing up, i think i agree we can let this go.
The guy ended up with 56 of hearts. So that is another reason to bluffcatch with Tx +, because we are not beating all of his bluffs with AK.
I actually ran this through wizard and it seems that basically every AKo-combo is a straight fold OTT.
Kind of suprised tbh about this....
Did not expect that either. Do u think that it has to do with his bluff picking? His bluffs should contain of hands with a lot of equity? For example J9h/d has around 40% equity against AK.
And ofcours the points u alread made. points 1,2 and 5.
My theory would be like this:
All AK-combos get bet on a pretty low frequency OTF:
So we are kind of at the bottom of our betting-range with AK anyways. So if then the frequency of betting these combos is also low, the amount of AK that we bet gets even lower in relation to our whole bettingrange. Due to this effect we can pretty comfortably fold all of these vs aggression (OTF or OTT) as we hit MDF already with the rest of our range.
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