NL 25 - KK in 4 bet pot facing delayed double
Posted by mason barrell
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mason barrell
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Low Stakes
NL 25 - KK in 4 bet pot facing delayed double
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
UTG: $28.72
MP: $24.55
CO: $31.97 (Hero)
BN: $24.80
SB: $128.63
BB: $15.71
MP: $24.55
CO: $31.97 (Hero)
BN: $24.80
SB: $128.63
BB: $15.71
Hero is CO with
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Hand history imported the sizings weird, but action is right.
I'm a bit torn what to do in this spot, not sure if we have a profitable jam given how tight guys stack off in these games.
Maybe with the dead money from BBs over-call we can get this in pre?
No reads on either player.
I'm a bit torn what to do in this spot, not sure if we have a profitable jam given how tight guys stack off in these games.
Maybe with the dead money from BBs over-call we can get this in pre?
No reads on either player.
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I check back here because I think both villains have combos of QQ in their range, and UTG could totally check AA here because of how QQ heavy my range is.
Also having the Kd makes this a pretty sweet combo to check back imo.
Also having the Kd makes this a pretty sweet combo to check back imo.
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At this point I feel like villain has AA a lot of the time. Still, My hand is extremely under-repped, and I could maybe see him having 4 bet bluffed with AQ and playing it this way.
Can we fold this hand?
Can we fold this hand?
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if u cant shove pre why u 3b KK? he have low fold 3b and very low 4b? if his fold to 3b is standard like 60% and u cant play 3b/push, i prefer a call preflop .
as played i cant fold river, i just call, and BB look fishy with that stack size
I guess I forgot to mention that flatting the 4b could induce a shove from BB, which is a pretty good argument for the flat imo.
Also had zero reads on either player.
I would call this.
With that sizing I don't think he ever has QQ so that leaves him with AA that beat you, KK that chop and some AQ (hopefully).
So yeah, I would call river.
... the key question is if he would ever 4b with AQ combos.
Some people use their AQo combos as 4 bet bluffs from this position. I know I do it occasionally.
lol if you're looking for spots to fold KK preflop this might be one of them.
I am glad people do dumb stuff often enough for me not having to consider this option.
All joking aside I think it is well played. Turbo-call otr.
2 Questions before hand:
What are your reasons for not shoving pre? What are your reasons for checking flop IP when checked too?
As played, I would call this down at least, can never be wrong for that price. If he bets a set like this, take note.
Weird sizing from villain. Think this is AA played really oddly, but your just getting way too good a price to fold. Villain shows up with AQ, JJ maybe AK? just about enough for the call to be good.
I'd just shove pre to be honest. I'd be more inclined to call with AA than with KK as I won't be afraid to GII on 90% of flops. I've seen people do the same thing UTG did with AK/QQ before which he isn't going to fold and I don't wanna see an A high flop and have to fold when I can just jam pre profitably.
As played I'd just call. You'll be beat often but not often enough to justify not calling for that price. If he did this with QQ then you know you made a mistake pre. If he shows you AA then you can shrug it off as it's a 0 EV scenario.
I'm never folding vs that sizing. This could be AQ, KQ, AK.
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