NL 25 : AKo 4bet
Posted by mr.robot
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Low Stakes
NL 25 : AKo 4bet
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (5 Players)
BN: $49.54
SB: $55.88
BB: $35.80
UTG: $25.00 (Hero)
CO: $25.00
SB: $55.88
BB: $35.80
UTG: $25.00 (Hero)
CO: $25.00
Hero is UTG with
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Final Pot
CO wins $25.18
Rake is $1.19
Rake is $1.19
just played this lolhand. wp villain.
what is your gameplan on this board?
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I would call pre, especially vs this sizing.
As played, either BXB (best blockers) or XF imo.
Your SPR is kinda awkward, so I'm not sure if betting the turn w/ this sizing accomplishes anything besides inducing and being forced to fold.
+1 on call pre. AP flop bet is ok but i dont see much FE OTT (against TT/JJ AQ and set/slowplayed KK+). Maybe it can get a fold from the same hand.
+1 call pre,
not sure wtf are you doing ott tbh
tbh I dont mind xf otf, if I cbet, Im def checking ott and clicking some form of a random button otr if he checks back
I'm split between 4betting and calling pre. Playing AKo OOP without the betting lead kind of sucks. Some stats on the villain would help with this decision I think.
Flop I might lean towards a XC or XF, I think villain's 4bet calling range here should be pretty strong 88+, AQ maybe AJ? this board hitting it pretty hard.
Definitely a XF on the turn, any hands you hope to fold have likely folded on the flop, a lot of his one pair hands improve on this turn picking up SDs i.e. QJ 109, 1010, JJ. He also has any slow played sets/overpairs as well as AQ sometimes.
I would x/f the flop but betting isn't that bad imo. After betting the flop I think we have to check this turn.
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